Lesson 8

Lesson 8


[00:07.53]Lesson 8
[00:09.56]maintain vt. 维持;维修;坚持;赡养
[00:16.20]We need to do adequate exercises and eat proper food
[00:20.76]in order to maintain our health.
[00:28.72]survive vi. 幸存
[00:32.46]vt. 从…逃出;从…中挺过来;比…活得长
[00:36.41]Few survived (after) the plane crash.
[00:47.27]minimum a. 最小的 n. 最低限度,最少量
[00:53.30]How many people know
[00:55.77]that a dancer with the New York City Ballet
[00:58.42]wears out a minimum of two hundred pairs
[01:02.17]of toe shoes every year?
[01:13.61]modest a. 谦虚的;适中的;羞怯的
[01:19.62]If you seem unduly modest about your success in job interviews,
[01:24.65]you will be considered incompetent and may be rejected.
[01:40.08]stock n. 库存;股票;世系;汤汁;(总称)家畜
[01:48.80]v. 储备 a. 常备的
[01:50.01]The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929.
[02:00.85]assume vt. 假定;担任;呈现
[02:05.75]Assuming that you memorize ten words every day,
[02:09.50]it won't take you long to keep all those new words in mind.
[02:21.29]crime n. 罪,犯罪
[02:25.44]Police prevent and detect crime
[02:28.37]while the courts punish crime.
[02:38.56]distinct a. 有区别的;清楚的;明确的
[02:44.90]Mozart's style is quite distinct from Haydn's.
[02:53.58]sufficient a. 足够的,充分的
[02:59.05]Many people working and living in the city don't have sufficient sleep.
[03:09.51]approximate a. 近似的 v.(to)接近,估计
[03:15.29]According to an approximate estimate,
[03:18.47]about 40 percent of Chinese Internet surfers
[03:23.03]have experienced Internet love.
[03:33.80]display n./vt. 陈列,展览;显示
[03:39.07]The peacock will display its beautiful tail feathers
[03:42.84]when it notices any gay colours.
[03:52.45]reaction n. 反应,反作用;(against)反动
[03:58.59]What's your reaction to the rumors about you?
[04:05.86]comment n. 评论;闲话 vt. 评论
[04:10.44]When the love scandal
[04:12.00]between Clinton and Lewinsky was revealed,
[04:14.95]not many Americans liked to comment on it.
[04:26.24]artificial a. 人造的;矫揉造作的
[04:32.17]This fruit juice absolutely
[04:35.31]contains no artificial flavouring or colouring.
[04:43.10]contrast n. 对比;反差 v. 对比
[04:48.28]Writers like to contrast good with evil.
[04:56.77]contribute v. 捐款;(to)促成;投稿
[05:02.73]Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.
[05:11.92]sole a. 单独的,唯一的;独有的 n. 脚底
[05:19.43]I never like to follow any tourist guide when I travel,
[05:23.54]because the sole concern of a tourist guide
[05:26.69]is to cover all spots according to a strict schedule.
[05:42.63]attain vt. 达到
[05:46.00]We have to make sustaining efforts to attain our goal.
[05:55.40]observe vt. 注意到;观察;评说;遵守
[06:02.87]It is easy to observe the great changes in the city.
[06:11.74]observation n. 观察;言论;(常pl.)观察资料;观察力
[06:18.59]He is a man of keen observation.
[06:25.47]growth n. 增长,增长量;生长,生长物
[06:32.44]Confidence is a plant of slow growth.
[06:40.72]neglect vt./n. 忽略;疏忽
[06:45.23]It's quite common that career women
[06:47.39]neglect their families and their children.
[06:55.38]deny vt. 否认;拒绝给予
[06:59.41]Beckham denied having an affair with the young woman./
[07:04.43]Beckham denied that he had an affair with the young woman.
[07:14.04]miserable a. 痛苦的;令人难受的
[07:18.27]It's raining nonstop-what miserable weather!
[07:26.97]opportunity n. 机会
[07:30.23]reality n. 现实;真实
[07:35.34]It takes time for a dream to become a reality.
[07:43.10]consequently ad. 所以
[07:46.88]So the story goes: at the first two false alarms the boy gave,
[07:51.97]people in the village got fooled,
[07:54.57]and consequently no one came
[07:57.80]when the real wolf was approaching him however hard he cried for help.
[08:21.09]relieve vt. 使轻松;减轻;使得到调剂;接替
[08:29.13]The painkillers can only relieve your pain.
[08:32.36]You need other medicine to cure your disease.
[08:42.46]relief n. 轻松;缓解;使得到调剂;接替
[08:50.07]I felt great relief
[08:52.54]when I heard I had passed the examination.
[08:59.67]contrary a.(to)相反的 n. (the ~)相反事物
[09:04.92]Many things in our life are often contrary to our expectation.
[09:15.87]pitch n. 球场;程度;音高;沥青
[09:23.24]vt. 投掷;使猛然倒下;表达;定调;架设
[09:31.25]vi. 投掷;猛然倒下;颠簸
[09:33.43]As the pitcher in a baseball game,
[09:35.97]it is important to pitch the ball well.
[09:44.03]toss vt. 抛;猛抬(头);拌;(up)掷(钱币);使摇动
[09:52.82]vi.(up)掷钱币来决定;翻来覆去 n. 掷钱币来决定;猛抬头
[09:54.30]Let's toss (up)/toss a coin to decide who will pay the bill.
[10:04.60]insert vt. 插入,嵌入
[10:09.82]When you draw money from an ATM,
[10:13.23]you should insert your debit card first.
[10:24.20]impose vt. (on)把…强加于;征(税等)
[10:29.81]You can express your opinion, but don't try to impose your ideas on others.
[10:42.98]plunge vi. 纵身投入;猛冲;猛跌 vt. 把…投入;遭受 n. 投身入水;猛跌
[10:52.13]Firemen plunged into the burning building to rescue people.
[11:01.28]adjust vt. 调整 vi.(to)适应
[11:05.34]Astronauts in flight must adjust (themselves) to weightlessness.
[11:14.81]harm n./vt. 伤害,损害
[11:18.40]Jealousy does more harm than witchcraft.
[11:25.06]spite n. 恶意,怨恨
[11:28.80]I think he said that out of/from spite.
[11:36.84]dim a. 昏暗的;朦胧的 v.(使)变模糊
[11:43.11]Reading in dim light does harm to the eyes.
[11:52.08]delivery n. 投递;投递的邮件;分娩;演讲
[11:58.57]The firm stopped free home delivery.
[12:06.44]inform vt. 通知 vi.(against, on)告发
[12:11.00]replace vt. 取代;更换;把…放回原处
[12:18.65]You'll have to replace those tyres; they're badly worn.
[12:29.28]accomplish vt. 完成,实现
[12:32.44]Are you content to be a person who will never accomplish anything?
[12:41.96]surround vt. 包围;围绕
[12:46.79]The campus of Oxford University is not surrounded by walls.
[12:56.08]circumstance n. 环境;(pl.)形势
[13:00.22]Under no circumstances will I betray my friends.
[13:09.07]generate vt. 产生;引起
[13:13.53]A lot of publicity was used to generate interest in the new film.
[13:26.24]create vt. 创造;引起
[13:30.27]"Snoopy", a lovely little dog created by Charles Schulz
[13:35.57]in his comic strip Peanuts,
[13:37.89]has now become a popular cartoon character known all over the world.
[13:59.78]creative a. 有创造力的
[14:04.29]Modern education attaches great importance
[14:08.13]to cultivating a new creative generation.
[14:17.35]fade vi. 褪去;变微弱;凋谢 vt. 使褪色
[14:23.39]The memory of happiness and sufferings in our childhood
[14:27.42]will never fade in our minds.
[14:37.93]thorough a. 彻底的;仔细周到的
[14:44.16]A thorough search has been carried out
[14:47.00]for the lost pilot, but it was in vain.
[14:56.22]procedure n. 程序,步骤
[14:59.92]Registering for marriage
[15:01.79]is no longer a very complicated procedure in China.
[15:10.26]process n. 过程;工序;(法律)程序 vt. 加工,处理
[15:17.42]Building a car is a long process.
[15:25.10]activity n. 活动;活跃
[15:29.26]Do you think extracurricular activities
[15:32.93]will take up too much of our precious time for study?
[15:42.53]participate vi.(in)参加
[15:45.71]College students are expected
[15:48.14]to participate in discussions in the class.
[15:55.51]cliff n. 悬崖
[15:58.82]The White Cliffs of Dover have caves and tunnels
[16:02.87]originally used by smugglers.
[16:14.07]respectively ad. 各自地
[16:18.25]The College English Test Band 4
[16:21.19]is held annually in June and December respectively.
[16:31.88]reasonable a. 通情达理的;合理的;公道的;过得去的
[16:39.76]I will accept your proposal if your budget is reasonable.
[16:48.99]specific a. 特定的;明确的 n. (pl.)详情
[16:55.25]Instructions for a nation-wide test must be specific.
[17:05.56]specialize vi.(in)专攻
[17:08.83]The more rapidly the economy develops,
[17:11.91]the more our environment is threatened.
[17:14.43]Therefore we need better research centers
[17:17.85]that specialize in ecology.
[17:30.87]usage n. 使用,用法;惯用法
[17:36.81]Languages develop continually through usage.
[17:44.43]utility n. 功用,效用;(常pl.)公用事业
[17:50.39]Railroads, bus lines, gas and electric companies are public utilities.
[18:02.84]stable a. 稳定的;沉稳的 n. 马厩
[18:08.72]Only one year after graduation could he get a stable job in a bank.
[18:21.09]abolish vt. 彻底废除
[18:24.18]Some superstitious practices
[18:27.33]should be abolished as soon as possible.
[18:34.19]abundant a. 大量的;(in)富裕的
[18:38.47]We have abundant proof of his innocence.
[18:46.52]cabinet n. 内阁;陈列柜
[18:50.72]In Britain, members of the Cabinet
[18:54.11]are chosen by the Prime Minister.
[19:01.28]candidate n. 申请求职者;投考者;候选人
[19:08.35]There were a large number of candidates for the job.
[19:16.73]capable a. 有能力的
[19:19.76]Not everyone is capable of judging art.
[19:28.52]decay vi. 腐烂;衰落 n. 腐烂;衰败状态
[19:34.65]Dentists advise their patients to brush and floss regularly
[19:39.73]to prevent their teeth from decaying.
[19:50.72]economy n. 经济;节约
[19:55.02]You should learn to practice economy
[19:58.92]in making out the household budget.
[20:07.25]faithful a. 忠诚的;尽职的;如实的
[20:13.34]If you want your friends to be faithful to you,
[20:16.56]you must first be a faithful friend to them.
[20:28.67]identical a.(to, with)相同的
[20:32.42]My opinions are not always identical with my parents'.
[20:41.76]lag vi. 走得慢 n. 滞后,间隔
[20:47.29]The tortoise lagged behind the rabbit
[20:50.07]when they recompeted in the race.
[20:58.83]negative a. 否定的;消极的;负的n. 底片;负数
[21:05.68]I didn't do well in the interview with Uni-Liver
[21:09.39]and I am afraid of getting a negative response.
[21:20.73]parade n. 游行,检阅 v.(使)列队行进
[21:26.80]Some of the audience began to scream
[21:30.09]when the Italian football team paraded the football field.
[21:39.54]rack n. 挂架 vt. 使痛苦;使努力
[21:46.42]Although I racked my brains,
[21:49.21]I couldn't get the right answer.
[21:54.84]rare a. 稀有的;珍奇的;稀薄的;煎得嫩的
[22:02.68]The panda is a rare animal in the world.
[22:09.64]raw a. 自然状态的;生的;未经分析的;生疏无知的;露肉而刺痛的
[22:20.03]Coal and oil are important raw materials
[22:23.27]for the manufacture of plastics.
[22:29.67]sacrifice n. 牺牲;献祭;祭品 vt. 牺牲;献祭
[22:36.92]Success in your job is not worth
[22:40.00]the sacrifice of your health.
[22:47.59]salary n. 薪水
[22:50.96]Computer engineers at IBM are people with high salaries.
[23:01.31]wage n. (常pl.)工资 vt. 开始
[23:05.67]People are beginning to wage war on pollution.

