





PM Theresa May’s Speech at the Inauguration of the British Normandy Memorial at Ver-sur-Mer on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day

6 June 2019

Thank you, President Macron, for your support to ensure a lasting monument to the service and sacrifice of those who fought in the Battle of Normandy – something which means so much to our veteran community and to the whole of the British nation.

It is incredibly moving to be here today, looking out across beaches where one of the greatest battles for freedom this world has ever known took place – and it is truly humbling to do so with the men who were there that day.

It is an honour for all of us to share this moment with you.

Standing here, as the waves wash quietly onto the shore below us, it’s almost impossible to grasp the raw courage it must have taken that day to leap from landing craft and into the surf – despite the fury of battle.

No one could be certain what the 6th June would bring. No one would know how this – the most ambitious – amphibious and airborne assault in all of human history, would turn out.

And, as the sun rose that morning, not one of the troops on the landing craft approaching these shores, not one of the pilots in the skies above, not one of the sailors at sea – knew whether they would still be alive when the sun set once again.

If one day can be said to have determined the fate of generations to come – in France, in Britain, in Europe and the world – that day was the 6th June 1944.

More than 156,000 men landed on D-Day – of which 83,000 were from Britain and the Commonwealth.

Over a quarter million more supported operations from air and sea – while the French Resistance carried out extraordinary acts of bravery behind enemy lines. Many were terribly wounded.

And many made the ultimate sacrifice that day and in the fierce fighting that followed, as together our allied nations sought to release Europe from the grip of fascism.

Men like Lieutenant Den Brotheridge of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry – 28 years old, husband, father-to-be, thought to be the first Allied soldier killed in action after leading the charge over Pegasus Bridge.

Marine Commando Robert Casson of 46 Royal Marine Commando, who was killed on the approach to Juno Beach, three weeks before his brother Private Joseph Casson was also killed in Normandy.

And twins: Robert and Charles Guy, 21, who both served in the RAF and were shot down and buried separately. Their names will now be reunited here.

These young men belonged to a very special generation, the greatest generation – a generation whose unconquerable spirit shaped our post-war world. They didn’t boast. They didn’t fuss. They served. They did their duty. And they laid down their lives so that we might have a better life and build a better world.

The memorial that will be built here will remind us of this, of the service and sacrifice of those who fell under British Command in Normandy, of the price paid by French civilians – and of our duty, and our responsibility, to now carry the torch for freedom, for peace and for democracy.

I want to thank all those involved in this memorial. George Batts and the veterans who have campaigned so hard to make it happen. The people of Ver-sur-Mer, and Phillipe Onillon, the town’s mayor.

Here in Normandy, the names of those British men and women who gave their lives in defence of freedom will forever sit opposite their homeland across the Channel, along with those of our Allies.

Here, in Normandy, we will always remember their courage, their commitment, their conviction.

And to our veterans, here in Normandy today, I want to say the only words we can: thank you.

Key Word

Ver-sur-Mer is a commune in the Calvados department and Normandy region of north-western France. It is situated at the eastern end of Gold Beach between Arromanches and Courseulles.



The Normandy landings were the landing operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II.Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history.(Wiki)诺曼底登陆战役发生在1944年6月6日6时30分,是第二次世界大战中盟军在欧洲西线战场发起的一场大规模攻势,作战行动代号Operation Overlord。


a person who has served in the military or a person who has obtained a lot of experience in a particular field



the official start of something


Pegasus Bridge

Pegasus Bridge is a bascule bridge (a type of movable bridge), that was built in 1934, that crossed the Caen Canal, between Caen and Ouistreham, in Normandy, France.



showing someone their shortcomings, or causing him to lose their confidence or arrogance



something that can survive or be used both on land and in water


the Commonwealth

The Commonwealth of Nations, normally known as the Commonwealth, and historically the British Commonwealth, is a unique political association of 53 member states, nearly all of them former territories of the British Empire.



The Royal Air Force (RAF) is the United Kingdom's aerial warfare force.Formed towards the end of the First World War on 1 April 1918, it is the oldest independent air force in the world.



impossible to overcome or defeat


  • 1577773ctpx


  • 朱晖豪

    Thank you, President Macron, for your support to ensure a lasting monument to the service and sacrifice of those who fought in the Battle of Normandy – something which means so much to our veteran community and to the whole of the British nation. It is incredibly moving to be here today, looking

  • 听友256586843

    sacrifice to those错了,改为sacrifice of those

  • 菩提禪


  • 小雨_1jy


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    EnglishFeed 回复 @牵手的花样年华: 微信公众号搜索EnglishFeed 关注英文 公众号 回复 May 即可

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  • Victor8Wong

    That's really great!

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