Lesson 2

Lesson 2


[00:01.42]Lesson 2
[00:03.87]critical a. 关键性的;批评的
[00:07.82]Life will have significant change at some critical moments,
[00:12.57]so we should grasp every chance well 
[00:15.60]and take every critical decision seriously.
[00:31.47]contribute vi. 捐款;(to)促成;投稿 vt. 捐献
[00:36.82]Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.
[00:45.73]multiply v. (使)增加,(使)繁殖;乘
[00:50.54]Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attacks 
[00:53.07]and other health problems.
[01:02.60]incredible a. 不可信的;难以置信的
[01:07.83]F1 racers can run at incredible speeds.
[01:17.18]deposit n. 订金;存款;沉积物 
[01:22.23]vt. 使沉淀;存放;储蓄
[01:25.11]The interest of the current account is lower 
[01:27.93]than that of the deposit account.
[01:35.98]prospect n. 前景;景象;
[01:45.51]What do you think about the prospect of cyber economy?
[01:54.76]conceal vt. 隐藏
[01:57.34]Concealing feelings and being meek 
[02:00.12]were considered as the traditional virtues of Chinese women.
[02:13.06]persist vi. (in)坚持不懈;持续
[02:17.41]You can never keep a heart that persists in leaving.
[02:26.25]scarce a. 缺乏的;罕见的
[02:30.26]Fresh vegetables are no longer scarce in Beijing.
[02:39.41]distress n. 痛苦;贫困;危难 vt. 使痛苦
[02:44.80]I was distressed about the lack of money 
[02:47.29]at the end of every month.
[02:55.92]precise a. 精确的;严谨的
[03:00.22]A lawyer needs a precise mind.
[03:07.35]error n. 错误
[03:10.24]Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors.
[03:22.07]restrain vt. 阻止;抑制
[03:25.88]I can't restrain my anger 
[03:27.75]when I hear of people being cruel to animals.
[03:38.10]shield n. 防护物,盾 vt. 保护
[03:43.21]Wearing sunglasses can shield the eyes from sunlight.
[03:52.57]clap v./n. 拍手,鼓掌
[03:55.30]When Richard Clayderman finished the performance,
[03:58.32]the whole audience was on their feet and clapped and clapped.
[04:13.15]ideal a. 理想的;空想的 n. 理想,理想的东西或人
[04:20.38]Leonardo might be an ideal lover,
[04:23.56]but he is too handsome to set a girl's mind at rest.
[04:37.82]landscape n. 风景;风景画;全景 vt. 美化…的景观
[04:45.78]The amazing landscape in Tibet 
[04:48.22]attracts countless tourists every year.
[04:58.13]mercy n. 仁慈;恩惠
[05:01.62]I won't show mercy to the cockroaches,
[05:04.52]and I will beat them to death whenever I see them.
[05:13.74]partner n. 配偶,搭档 vt. 做…的搭档
[05:18.89]If only some handsome boy invited me 
[05:21.54]to be his partner at the ball!
[05:30.44]gap n. 缺口;差距;不足
[05:34.84]By generation gap we mean 
[05:37.33]that young people and old people 
[05:39.61]have misunderstandings of each other 
[05:42.04]and that both generations have different or even clashing values.
[06:01.66]candidate n. 申请求职者;投考者;候选人
[06:08.19]There were a large number of candidates for the job.
[06:16.93]compromise n. 妥协 v. 妥协;危及
[06:20.85]A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.
[06:30.22]distinction n. 差别;区分;优秀;荣誉
[06:35.37]The greatest distinction between humans and apes 
[06:38.77]is the hollow space humans have under their chins.
[06:53.35]contradiction n. 矛盾;否认
[06:57.05]Is it a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs?
[07:08.23]variation n. 变化;变体;变奏
[07:12.98]Variations in the color of sea water from blue to green 
[07:16.87]are caused by high or low concentrations of salt.
[07:29.77]contrary a. (to)相反的 n. (the ~)相反事物
[07:34.36]Many things in our life are often contrary to our expectation.
[07:46.19]controversy n. 争论
[07:49.22]Several near disasters give rise to much controversy 
[07:53.47]on the safety of nuclear energy.
[08:05.05]feasible a. 可行的
[08:07.57]It is feasible to apply the computer to language teaching.
[08:17.48]economic a. 经济的 n. (-s)经济学;经济状况
[08:22.70]The economic situation is not good 
[08:25.70]in many developing countries.
[08:33.24]gear n. 齿轮,(排)挡;用具 vt. 使适应
[08:39.00]Education should be geared to society's needs.
[08:47.29]ensure vt. 确保
[08:50.12]If you want to ensure that you can get the diploma,
[08:53.76]you'd better not skip too many classes.
[09:03.98]clash vi. 冲突;不协调;砰地相撞 
[09:07.04]n. 冲突;不协调;刺耳的撞击声
[09:11.74]I failed to watch the World Cup final 
[09:14.62]because it clashed with my examination.
[09:25.89]honorable a. 光荣的;可敬的
[09:29.86]Will the honorable member please answer the question? 
[09:38.85]court n. 法庭,法院;
[09:45.73]The prisoner was brought to court for trial.
[09:53.66]manufacture vt. 制造 
[09:56.39]n. 制造;(pl.)制造品
[09:58.06]All those underground plants 
[09:59.71]that manufacture piratic CDs must be closed down.
[10:11.51]highlight vt. 突出 n. 最精彩的部分
[10:16.51]Growing social problems 
[10:18.18]were highlighted by these events.
[10:26.82]imagination n. 想象,想象力;
[10:34.87]Someone believes 
[10:35.98]that UFOs are just people's imagination.
[10:46.03]interior n. 内部;(the ~)内地 
[10:49.12]a. 内部的;内地的
[10:50.45]Nowadays interior design is a very promising industry.
[11:01.07]delicate a. 易碎的;微妙的;娇弱的;精美的
[11:07.85]The delicate orchid should be protected from cold,
[11:11.34]wind and frost.
[11:21.54]grip n. 紧握;掌握 
[11:24.47]vt. 握紧;吸引住…的注意力
[11:27.21]The brake doesn't grip properly.
[11:31.87]permanent a. 永久的,固定的
[11:36.32]We all hope for permanent peace.
[11:43.40]mobile a. 运动的;机动的;多变的 
[11:47.59]n. 移动电话
[11:49.36]Now more and more Chinese own mobile phones 
[11:53.07]and they are not luxuries any more.
[12:03.98]overcome vt. 克服;压倒
[12:08.73]The Chinese Women's Volleyball Team 
[12:11.06]overcame a lot of difficulty to win the match.
[12:21.38]shortage n. 缺少
[12:24.52]In the developed countries,
[12:26.09]there's a great shortage of labor/work force.
[12:33.78]predict vt. 预测
[12:36.30]The witch said that her crystal ball could predict the future.
[12:46.11]proposal n. 提议;求婚
[12:50.35]How could you make a proposal without a ring?
[12:58.35]underline vt. 在…下面划线;强调
[13:03.01]In class, many English teachers 
[13:05.37]like to ask students to underline important words in the text 
[13:09.67]and explain them in detail.
[13:11.90]Do you think it a good way to learn English? 
[13:29.87]accidental a. 意外的
[13:32.44]Their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their acquaintance.
[13:41.86]alternative a. 供选择的;另类的 
[13:44.59]n. 抉择;选择的自由
[13:47.86]I didn't have enough money to travel to Xinjiang,
[13:51.50]so I had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation.
[14:05.15]recreation n. 娱乐活动,消遣
[14:10.00]Karaoke is many young people's favorite recreation.
[14:19.91]career n. 职业
[14:22.40]Many university students plan their future career 
[14:26.74]in the financial circle.
[14:35.39]donation n. 捐款,捐赠
[14:39.64]Bill Gates made a donation of 100 million U.S.
[14:43.79]dollars to the Global AIDS and Health Fund.
[14:55.54]collision n. 碰撞;冲突
[14:58.66]In Britain, a collision with the Parliament 
[15:01.65]could ruin the government's plans.
[15:10.85]segment n. 部分,片段;瓣
[15:16.36]Community college is the most rapidly growing segment 
[15:19.74]of higher education in the United States.
[15:29.50]subtract v. 减(去)
[15:32.47]If you subtract 3 from 5, you get 2.
[15:37.02](3 subtracted from 5 is 2.) 
[15:43.48]embarrass vt. 使尴尬
[15:46.47]It embarrassed him (=He was embarrassed) 
[15:51.32]when he found he didn't have enough money 
[15:53.85]to invite his girl friend to dinner.
[16:04.25]contribution n. 贡献;捐款;稿件
[16:09.50]Mr. He Zhenliang has made an important contribution 
[16:13.90]to the Olympic bid.
[16:21.68]judg(e)ment n. 看法;判断力;审判
[16:27.25]You shall use your own judgment as to 
[16:29.72]whether you should start work or study for a master's degree.
[16:41.96]infinite a. 无限的
[16:44.73]Indulging in computer games all day 
[16:47.51]may do infinite harm to students.
[16:57.27]resume v. 重新开始,恢复  
[17:01.32]n. 摘要;简历
[17:05.52]exclusive a. 奢华的;独有的;排斥的;
[17:10.68](of)不包括…的 n. 独家新闻
[17:13.67]Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost.
[17:26.19]humble a. 谦虚的;地位低下的;简陋的 
[17:30.80]vt. 使谦恭
[17:32.52]Defeat and failure may make people humble.
[17:42.28]embrace vt. 拥抱;包括;包围 n. 拥抱
[17:47.35]In the past,
[17:48.26]Chinese lovers were too reserved 
[17:50.43]to embrace or kiss each other in public.
[17:53.46]But it is not the case now.
[18:05.76]concede v. (不情愿地)承认;
[18:12.18]Don't concede without a contest! 
[18:18.96]fiction n. 小说
[18:21.23]Truth is often stranger than fiction.
[18:29.01]performance n. 表演;履行;表现
[18:34.83]Andy's performance in the exams was disappointing.
[18:42.66]emphasize/-ise vt. 强调
[18:45.54]Our reform and opening policy 
[18:48.37]especially emphasizes the importance of the economic reform.
[19:00.31]reflect v. 反映;反射;深思
[19:05.36]It's said that a person's handwriting 
[19:07.78]can reflect his/her character.
[19:15.36]execute vt. 处死;执行
[19:19.00]The manager assistant came here 
[19:21.37]to execute a few small commissions for the manager.
[19:32.52]pledge n. 保证,誓言 vt. 保证,许诺
[19:36.77]You must make a pledge to keep the secret.
[19:43.85]sacrifice n. 牺牲;献祭;祭品 vt. 牺牲;献祭
[19:49.68]Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health.
[20:01.16]unique a. 唯一的,独特的;极不寻常的
[20:06.92]Each person's fingerprints are unique.
[20:14.25]accommodation n. (常pl.)膳宿
[20:17.39]The high cost of accommodations makes life difficult 
[20:21.78]for many Chinese students in London.
[20:32.90]alliance n. 联盟
[20:35.48]In the Second World War,
[20:37.76]the United States, Britain, France and some other countries 
[20:43.06]made an alliance against German Fascists.
[20:55.71]coarse a. 粗糙的;粗劣的;粗俗的
[21:00.91]On the stage, a stand-up comedian 
[21:03.68]is performing a coarse imitation of President Bush.
[21:16.63]concern n. 关切的事;关心;关系;公司 
[21:22.79]vt. 涉及,有关于;使担心
[21:24.61]Thanks for the concern.
[21:29.81]profit n. 利润 vt. 有益于 vi. (by, from)得益
[21:33.95]"What is your strategy?" 
[21:36.12]"We get quick sales at small profits." 
[21:44.19]crucial a. 至关重要的
[21:47.17]Choosing a right location is crucial to opening a store.
[21:57.33]dominant a. 占优势的;居高临下的
[22:02.29]P&G is in a dominant position in the market 
[22:05.57]of their daily chemical products.
[22:14.34]recognition n. 认出;确认;赏识
[22:20.40]The spy escaped recognition in disguise.

