Lesson 1

Lesson 1


[00:01.10]Lesson 1
[00:03.14]alert a. 警觉的 vt. 向…报警;使意识到
[00:10.55]n. 警戒;警报
[00:11.90]Keeping alert in the fire is important 
[00:14.64]for people's finding the way out.
[00:23.30]fatal a. 致命的;重大的
[00:26.75]"To be or not to be"
[00:28.99]was the fatal decision for Hamlet.
[00:40.30]behalf n. 利益,方面
[00:44.04]Mother Teresa's efforts on behalf of Calcutta's poor 
[00:48.80]eventually brought her the Nobel Peace Prize.
[01:01.91]decline  n./v. 下降;衰退;谢绝
[01:06.76]Cinderella had to decline the prince's invitation 
[01:11.04]and returned home before 12 o'clock at night.
[01:22.41]collapse  vi./n. 倒塌;崩溃
[01:25.92]Numerous houses collapsed 
[01:27.95]in the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008.
[01:37.31]negative a. 否定的;消极的;负的 
[01:42.07]n. 底片;负数
[01:44.26]I didn't do well in the interview with Uni-Liver 
[01:47.71]and I am afraid of getting a negative response.
[01:59.80]obligation n. 义务,责任
[02:03.57]Supporting elderly parents 
[02:05.59]is every adult's obligation.
[02:13.43]hostile a. 敌意的;敌方的
[02:17.03]It was very strange how hostile she was 
[02:20.26]to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband.
[02:31.40]inferior a. 劣等的;下级的 n. 下级
[02:36.91]No inferior products should be allowed to pass.
[02:45.89]formal a. 正式的;形式上的
[02:49.89]Business letters are usually formal,
[02:52.98]but we write in an informal way 
[02:55.53]to family members or friends.
[03:09.32]launch vt. 发动;(into, in)使开始从事;
[03:13.93]使下水;发射 n. 发射,投产
[03:17.91]Early Bird,
[03:19.07]the world's first commercial communications satellite,
[03:22.66]was launched from Cape Kennedy in Florida in 1965.
[03:40.29]identical  a. (to, with)相同的
[03:43.45]My opinions are not always identical 
[03:46.43]with my parents'.
[03:53.41]mechanism n. 机械装置;机制;办法
[03:58.92]The watch made in Switzerland works well.
[04:01.90]The mechanisms must be very special.
[04:11.68]internal a. 内的;国内的;内心的
[04:16.35]A theory has its internal logic.
[04:24.66]elaborate a. 精心计划的;复杂的  
[04:29.13]vi. 详述 vt. 详述;详细制订
[04:32.37]Just tell me the plain facts.
[04:34.90]No need to elaborate.
[04:43.39]expense  n. 花费;(pl.)开支
[04:47.38]House repairs, holidays and other expenses 
[04:50.63]reduced her bank balance to almost nothing.
[05:02.74]bulk n. (巨大)物体;主体;(大)量 
[05:07.39]vi. 变得越来越大(或重要) vt. 使更大(或更厚)
[05:11.70]The bulk of the chickens had to be killed 
[05:14.79]because of the bird flu virus.
[05:24.36]arbitrary  a. 任意的;专断的
[05:28.57]The diet for people 
[05:30.00]who are on a diet imposes overall calorie limits,
[05:34.86]but daily menus are arbitrary.
[05:46.54]competition  n. 竞争,比赛
[05:50.12]The competition between Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola 
[05:54.24]has been on for a long time.
[06:03.09]chip  n. 碎片;(常pl.)炸土豆条;
[06:07.21]集成电路片;瑕疵;筹码 vt. 削下
[06:13.33]Friends are chocolate chips in the cookie of life.
[06:23.14]stock  n. 库存;股票;世系;
[06:28.37]汤汁;(总称)家畜 v. 储备 a. 常备的
[06:34.04]The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929.
[06:44.15]panic n. 惊慌 v. (使)恐慌
[06:46.43]SARS or atypical pneumonia 
[06:49.26]once caused a great panic among people.
[06:58.86]peer n. 同龄人;贵族 vt. 仔细看
[07:04.21]To lessen peer (group) pressure,
[07:07.70]many schools require their students 
[07:10.00]to wear uniforms.
[07:19.15]rarely ad. 不常,难得
[07:22.74]Rarely is progress made in giant leaps.
[07:29.72]abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃
[07:33.01]The heartless man abandoned his disabled wife 
[07:36.64]and ran away with all their money.
[07:46.75]complain vi. 抱怨;投诉
[07:50.34]Don't always complain; 
[07:52.30]remember this: no pains, no gains.
[08:03.95]acknowledge vt. 承认;确认;报偿
[08:09.02]Michael Jordan was acknowledged 
[08:11.21]as the best basketball player in the NBA.
[08:20.63]function  n. 功能;职能;
[08:23.46]重大聚会;函数 vi. 运行
[08:27.50]An old machine won't function properly 
[08:30.88]if you don't oil it regularly.
[08:39.62]circuit n. 电路;环行
[08:43.32]I run two circuits of the track every morning 
[08:46.82]in order to pass the 800-meter running test.
[08:57.55]scandal n. 丑事;流言飞语;反感
[09:03.86]The former president of the Philippines 
[09:06.03]took tax money for his own use.
[09:08.66]It was such a scandal.
[09:16.63]identify vt. 认出;(with)把…等同于 
[09:21.53]vi. (with)认同
[09:22.81]Do you identify beauty with wisdom?
[09:31.61]conventional a. 常规的;符合习俗的
[09:36.28]It is said that Englishmen like to 
[09:38.42]make a few conventional remarks 
[09:40.90]about the weather when they start a conversation.
[09:53.20]destruction n. 破坏,消灭
[09:57.05]The fire caused great destruction to 
[09:59.59]the Da Xing'an Ling Mountains.
[10:08.44]emergency n. 紧急情况,非常时刻
[10:13.09]It's an emergency! 十万火急!
[10:17.99]fantasy n. 想象,幻想;想象的产物
[10:23.51]Most of the fairy tales are fantasies.
[10:32.76]option n. 选择;选择权;
[10:39.15]Sometimes, too many options 
[10:41.72]are no better than no options.
[10:50.67]notion n. 概念;想法
[10:54.47]The notion that the Earth is round has been widely accepted 
[10:58.53]since Magellan accomplished the first voyage around the world.
[11:13.53]jail/gaol n. 监狱 vt. 拘留
[11:17.43]Has it ever occurred to you 
[11:18.96]that jails were first invented for debtors? 
[11:29.84]bump vi. (against, into)碰撞;颠簸着前进 
[11:33.38]n. 碰撞;(碰撞造成的)肿块;隆起物
[11:37.52]"You can chase me,
[11:38.80]but don't kiss me" is a sign put on the rear of some cars 
[11:43.15]in order to remind drivers to keep a distance 
[11:45.97]from the car ahead and not to bump into its rear.
[12:04.72]heave vt. 举起;扔;发出(叹息、呻吟等) 
[12:08.74]vi. (at, on)举起;起伏;呕吐 n. 举起
[12:11.41]The sailors all heaved on the rope in the storm.
[12:22.09]sympathize/-ise vi. 同情;赞同
[12:26.39]I sympathize with you; 
[12:28.23]I've had a similar unhappy experience myself.
[12:38.40]rare a. 稀有的;珍奇的;稀薄的;煎得嫩的
[12:45.42]The panda is a rare animal in the world.
[12:52.97]reflection n. 映像;反射;反映;非议;深思
[13:01.01]The dog barked at his reflection in the river.
[13:09.76]satisfactory a. 令人满意的
[13:13.65]The result of the experiment was satisfactory.
[13:20.68]superficial a. 肤浅的;表面的
[13:25.05]I have only a superficial knowledge of this subject.
[13:32.65]unusual a. 不平常的;独特的
[13:37.30]It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger 
[13:40.64]than eighteen or older than nineteen,
[13:43.37]but I was barely 16 when I entered college.
[13:58.54]undertake vt. 承担;同意,保证
[14:03.60]Who should undertake the responsibility for white pollution? 
[14:07.54]The producer or the consumer? 
[14:17.17]wage n. (常pl.)工资 vt. 开始
[14:21.14]People are beginning to wage war on pollution.
[14:28.22]treaty n. 条约,协定
[14:32.11]violate vt. 违反;亵渎;侵犯
[14:36.81]"How could you read my letters? 
[14:39.04]You violated my privacy!" 
[14:41.41]Lucy yelled to her mother.
[14:51.55]accelerate v. (使)加快
[14:54.53]The policy of reform and opening-up 
[14:57.40]initiated by Deng Xiaoping 
[14:59.54]has accelerated China's economic growth.
[15:10.26]advocate vt. 主张 n. 拥护者;律师
[15:15.52]The doctor advocated that young people 
[15:18.66]should do regular exercise for good health.
[15:28.94]economical a. 节约的,经济的
[15:32.92]Some villages are equipped with a modern 
[15:35.56]and economical heating system.
[15:44.67]capable a. 有能力的
[15:47.40]Not everyone is capable of judging art.
[15:56.55]budget n. 预算 vi. (for)做安排 
[16:00.29]vt. 规划,安排 a. 低廉的
[16:01.87]A shrewd housewife should be good at 
[16:04.80]planning the family budget.
[16:12.54]guarantee vt. 保证 n. 保证,保证书
[16:16.48]Every new television should have a guarantee with it.
[16:25.54]hono(u)r n. 名誉;尊敬;荣幸;
[16:30.44](pl.)优异成绩 vt. 给…以荣誉;尊敬
[16:34.65]It's a great honor to meet you.
[16:40.56]convince vt. 使确信,使信服
[16:45.15]Evidences are indispensable 
[16:47.64]when you want to convince the judge of your innocence.
[16:58.05]comprehensive a. 综合的
[17:01.19]Although the professor gave a very comprehensive explanation 
[17:06.14]on how the black holes came into being,
[17:09.07]I still got confused.
[17:22.22]deserve vt. 应受,值得
[17:25.88]If you do wrong,
[17:27.20]you deserve punishment/you deserve to be punished.
[17:37.83]evaluate vt. 评价
[17:40.37]How do your friends evaluate you 
[17:43.30]and how would you evaluate yourself? 
[17:53.00]fantastic a. 极好的;难以相信的;
[17:59.99]Every one of us has fantastic dreams,
[18:03.33]but not everyone can turn them into reality.
[18:16.04]notify vt. 通知
[18:18.47]When your bike is stolen,
[18:20.55]do you notify the police 
[18:22.36]or just accept the bad luck?  
[18:31.73]durable a. 耐用的,持久的
[18:35.37]The parts of the machine that experience a lot of friction 
[18:39.51]have to be made from durable materials.
[18:49.93]moderate a. 中等的;温和的;有节制的 
[18:54.93]n. 持温和观点者  v. (使)和缓
[18:57.81]Parents should moderate their language 
[18:59.94]when children are present.
[19:07.57]frontier n. 边境;(the ~)边远地区;(常pl.)前沿
[19:12.94]The frontiers of medical knowledge 
[19:14.96]are being pushed farther outwards as time goes on.
[19:26.34]illegal  a. 不合法的
[19:29.06]Many European nations consider euthanasia illegal.
[19:39.99]combat n. 战斗,斗争 vt. 与…斗争
[19:43.28]The two men were locked in mortal combat.
[19:50.86]invisible a. 看不见的
[19:54.05]Firewalls are invisible protection to your computer.
[20:03.61]mess n. 凌乱状态;困境 vt. 弄糟
[20:08.56]"I am afraid I might mess up." 
[20:11.04]"Hey, you can do this.
[20:13.41]Cheer up!"  "我怕会搞砸。" 
[20:19.43]prevail vi. 流行;(over)占优势;(on, upon)说服
[20:25.34]It seems that the jeans will prevail forever.
[20:33.44]personality n. 个性;人物
[20:37.74]No personality, no charm.
[20:44.70]peculiar  a. 奇怪的;特有的 
[20:49.15]n. 特有财产,特权
[20:52.33]The fish has a peculiar taste.
[20:55.21]You really think it is all right? 
[21:02.80]abundant a. 大量的;(in)富裕的
[21:06.69]We have abundant proof of his innocence.
[21:15.13]odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;临时的;
[21:19.74]单的;奇数的;剩余的 n. (pl.)可能性
[21:24.89]Scientists are trying to crack the odd signs 
[21:27.78]in the great pyramid.
[21:35.91]reckon vt. 认为;(on)指望;测算
[21:40.92]What do you reckon our chances are of arriving on time?
[21:49.57]parade n. 游行,检阅 v. (使)列队行进
[21:55.18]Some of the audience began to scream 
[21:57.55]when the Italian football team paraded the football field.
[22:08.22]scale n. 规模;等级;
[22:11.51](pl.)天平;比例(尺);刻度;鳞 vt. 攀登
[22:17.97]Many companies are now expanding to benefit from economies of scale.
[22:29.46]wealthy a. 富裕的
[22:31.78]Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, 
[22:35.93]wealthy and wise. (Benjamin Franklin)
[22:46.42]boring a. 乏味的
[22:49.21]I had expected books on philosophy to be boring,
[22:53.56]but this one, Sophie's World, is fascinating.

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