1.Rule #1, when I talk to people, I never tell them more than three things at a time. 第一条规则,当我和人交谈的时候,从不会一次性讲超过三件事情。
Rule #1, when I +v. , I+单句
Rule #1, when I drive on highway, I never answer my cellphone, coz it distracts my attention.
Rule #1, when I talk to a female employee, I always leave my office door open.
Rule #1, when I travel abroad, I always do my best to avoid any confrontations with others.
2. Personally, I feel he is a bit boring. 就个人而言,我觉得他有一点儿乏味。
Personally, I +动词
Personally, I believe the market is going to stay the same for a long time.
Personally, I think this project will attract a lot of VC. (venture capital)
Personally, I feel it’s going to be very difficult for Theresa May to produce a solution that pleases everybody..
就我个人而言,我觉得梅姨 (英国首相 特蕾莎梅)想要拿出一个令各方都满意的解决方案,是极其困难的。
3. As far as I know, there are a lot of complaints about the latest Tesla model. 据我所知,特斯拉最新款电动车的投诉可是不少的。
As far as I know,+单句
As far as I know, the Defense Ministry is secretly looking for partners working on the next generation fighter jet.
4. It seems to me that he doesn’t know what he is doing. 我觉得他不知道自己在干什么。
It seems to me that...
It seems to me that many people have no idea what they want to achieve.
It seems to me that the importance of education for girls has been underestimated.
It seems to me that another financial crisis is almost inevitable.
5. The way I see it, climate change is a very serious issue and many people don’t pay enough attention to it. 我觉得气候变化是很严肃的事情,而多数人对此不够重视。
The way I see it, +单句
The way I see it, technology will make our life easier in the long term, but not necessarily so in the short term.
The way I see it, China’s economy will surpass that of the United States. It’s only a matter of time.
6. If you ask me, you did the right thing by sending away your dog. 我觉得把狗送走是对的。
If you ask me, +单句
If you ask me, you should probably step up you game to keep this job.
If you ask me, under no circumstances should you make decisions for other people.我觉得无论什么情况,你都不应该替他人作决定。
7. Your success in this world will come down to one thing: your ability to get others to say yes. 你在这个世界的成功最终取决于一个因素:你能否让别人对你有求必应。
Your success in this world will come down to one thing:+单句
Your success in this world will come down to one thing: your ability to get other people to like you.
Your success in this world will come down to one thing: your ability to cooperate with other people .
8. It would be nothing short of a disaster if you end up challenging the person that you’re trying to convince. 如果你最终质疑自己试图说服的对象,那不啻于一场灾难。
It would be nothing short of a +n. if +单句
It would be nothing short of a miracle if scientists could find a way to turn water into oil.
It would be nothing short of a disaster if Trump gets reelected.
9. Keep this in mind: Facts don’t convince people. Facts only polarize people. 牢记一点:事实并不能说服人,事实只会让人分化。
Keep this in mind:单句
Keep this in mind: you are what you read. There is nothing wrong with reading too much.
Keep this in mind: no one can get away with murder. No one.
10. It turns out that focusing on common motives and things you can agree on is a more effective way to change people’s minds. 事实证明有共同的诉求和求同存异才是改变他人想法的有效手段。
句子结构:It turns out that+单句
It turns out that cats are natural predators, no matter how long they stay with human beings, their hunting instinct is always there.
It turns out that most male animals have brighter feathers or fur to attract a female partner.
Our world faces a lot of challenges. Climate change is one of them.如果你要问我的话,, I think our government should do more to提高民众对气候变化危害的认知意识。Some people might argue that climate change is not that serious. And I beg to differ.
据我所知, all the major developed countries have been dealing with climate change for quite a long time.
气候如果变化得比现在更加糟糕的话,那简直是个灾难。Not just for human beings, but for all the lives on earth.
But I have to admit,聚焦共同的出发点is the best way to change people’s minds. And facts only polarize people.
Our world faces a lot of challenges. Climate change is one of them.If you ask me, I think our governmentshould do more to raise people’s awareness of the danger of climate change.
Some people might argue that climate change is not that serious. And I beg to differ.
As far as I know, all the major developed countries have been dealing with climate change for quite a long time.
It would be nothing short of a disaster if the weather gets worse than it is today. Not just for human beings, but for all the lives on earth.
But I have to admit,focusing on common motivesis the best way to change people’s minds. And facts only polarize people.