PTE RL-原音Aristotle&Rhetoric

PTE RL-原音Aristotle&Rhetoric


But Aristotle says the reason we need rhetoric iswe have to be able to use it. To use rhetoric, influence the ramble, we try toget them to understand truth. Truth is suggested ... is different than xxxRhetoric is the dressing, is the body, right? Truth is the spirit, is the soul,is abstract. It doesn’t have a body. It’s not particular. If you wanna getsomebody to the truth, you might have to use some kind of tricks. Right?Because most of people are not sound and can see the truth. That’s what we think.Most people are rambles. Really. Only the educated be erudite are actuallycapable of seeing the truth. If you wanna get the general mass there, you mayhave to do a little bit. So, Aristotle that is rhetoric. Rhetoric is somethingthat is used to influence people. Right? And it’s a kind of mentally promised alogic.


