


Thousands of cancer diagnoses tied to a poor diet, study finds


(CNN) Your diet may have more impact on your cancer risk than you might think, a new study has found.

An estimated 80,110 new cancer cases among adults 20 and older in the United States in 2015 were attributable(归属于)simply to eating a poor diet, according to the study, published in the JNCI(国家癌症研究所杂志) Cancer Spectrum on Wednesday.

"This is equivalent(等于)to about 5.2% of all invasive cancer(扩散性癌症)cases newly diagnosed(诊断)among US adults in 2015," said Dr. Fang Fang Zhang, a nutrition(营养师)and cancer epidemiologist(流行病专家) at Tufts University(塔夫茨大学)in Boston, who was first author of the study.


"This proportion is comparable(类似的)to the proportion of cancer burden(由…导致)attributable to alcohol(酒精)," she said.

The researchers evaluated(评估)seven dietary factors: a low intake(摄入量)of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and dairy products and a high intake of processed meats(加工肉制品), red meats and sugary beverages(含糖饮料), such as soda.

"Low whole-grain(全谷物类) consumption was associated with the largest cancer burden in the US, followed by low dairy intake, high processed-meat intake, low vegetable and fruit intake, high red-meat intake and high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages," Zhang said.


The study included data on the dietary intake of adults in the United States between 2013 and 2016, which came from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(全民健康与营养调查), as well as data on national cancer incidence(国家癌症发病率)in 2015 from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(国家级病防控中心).

The researchers used a comparative risk assessment model, which involved estimating the number of cancer cases associated with poor diet and helped evaluate how much diet may play a role in the US cancer burden. Those estimations were made using diet-cancer associations(关联) found in separate studies.


"Previous studies provide strong evidence that a high consumption of processed meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer(结肠癌) and a low consumption of whole grains decreases the risk of colorectal cancer," Zhang said. "However, our study quantified(量化)the number and proportion of new cancer cases that are attributable to poor diet at the national level."

The researchers found that colon and rectal(直肠) cancers had the highest number and proportion of diet-related cases, at 38.3%.

When the findings were looked at by diet, low consumption of whole grains and dairy products and eating a lot of processed meats contributed to the highest cancer burden.


Also, men 45 to 64 years old and ethnic minorities(少数人种), including blacks and Hispanics(西班牙裔), had the highest proportion of diet-associated cancer burden compared with other groups, the researchers found.

The study had some limitations, including that the data couldn't shed light on(阐明清楚)how the association between diet and cancer risk may change as a person ages.



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