072 Level 3 谈论职业规划-讲解版

072 Level 3 谈论职业规划-讲解版


1. You can start a career plan by asking yourself: How do I want to better myself in the next year?  想做职业规划,首先可以问自己:下一年度,你想如何让自己变得更好?


You can start+n. by +动名词

You can start your own company by having your own patent.



You can start working your way up to the position of CEO by going to an MBA program.



2. Career planning is very important if you want to be financially stable. 如果想要经济稳定,职业规划是非常重要的。


N.+is very important if you want to+v.

Marketable skills are very important if you want to be financially stale.



A healthy diet is very important if you want to stay physically fit.



Talent is very important if you want to be a world class musician.



3. Hard skills are as important as soft skills. 硬实力和软实力一样重要。


N. +is (are ) as important as n.

Mental health is as important as physical health.



Domestic market is as important as international market.



4. Goal setting is a major component of the career planning process. 制定目标是职业规划的重要组成部分。


n.+is a major component of +n .

Blades are a major component of a turbo engine.


Internal combustion engine is a major component of a car.



5. I know this may sound cliché, but you need to find a career from your passion.  我知道这个听起来可能很俗套,但是选择职业,还是应该做自己感兴趣的。 


I know this may sound cliche, but+单句

I know this may sound cliche, but you gotta have a master degree if you want to have any hope in this company.



I know this may sound cliche, but you’d better marry a man who can provide you with financial stability.



6. Knowing yourself is the first strategy to really figuring out what you will be doing successfully.  真正了解自我是能知道自己擅长做什么的第一策略。


7. Dont rush to any conclusions before you are 100% sure that you have been exposed to all kinds of possibilities when it comes to choosing a career. 说到职业选择,在自己百分百确定已经见过各种可能性之前,不宜着急做选择。


Don’t rush to any conclusions before +单句

Don’t rush to any conclusions before you hear both sides of the story.



Don’ t rush to any conclusions before you check the security footage.



Don’t rush to any conclusions before you talk to the only eyewitness of this case.




8. If you want to have a good career, you need to have some marketable skills at your disposal. 如果你想要有好的职业发展,那么需要掌握具有市场价值的技能。


If you want to +v., you need to+v.

If you want to buy a fancy car, you need to start saving money now.



If you want to be a successful businessman, you need to do some part-time job now.



If you want to catch the last train, you need to leave now .




If you want to+v., you need to have+n. at your disposal.

If you want to climb up the ladder really fast, you need to have some marketable skills at your disposal.



9. Career planning can be a paradox, because many industries around today wont even exist in twenty years. 职业规划具有矛盾性,因为二十年之后,现在的很多产业将不复存在。


n.+can be a paradox, because....

Choosing Computer science as your major at college can be a paradox, because by the time you graduate, most of what you have learned will be out of date.



10. If you dont want to end up being stuck in a dead-end job, you need to plan for a better future. 如果你不想以后只能做一份没有盼头的工作,那么你需要计划一个更好的未来。


If you don’t want to end up +动名词,you need to +v.

If you don’t want to end up doing a regular 9 to 5 job, you really need to plan your career carefully.



If Mexico doesn’t want to end up being ruined by drugs, it needs to raise people’s educational level.



















The importance of career planing has been underestimated by many people. The truth is, 如果你不想做一份毫无盼头的工作,you need to plan your career very carefully.


我知道这听起来很俗套,but rule # 1 when it comes to career planing, is that你最好能做一份自己有热情的工作。


You can start a career plan by asking yourself: how do I want to better myself in the next year?


Just remember,软实力和硬实力是一样重要的。




The importance of career planing has been underestimated by many people. The truth is, if you don’t want to end up being stuck in a dead-end job, you need to plan your career very carefully.


I know this may sound cliche, but rule # 1 when it comes to career planing, is that you’d better find a career from your passion.


You can start a career plan by asking yourself: how do I want to better myself in the next year?


Just remember, hard skills are as important as soft skills.


  • 暮暖清秋

    Knowing yourself is the first strategy to really figuring out what you will be doing successfully. 为什么to后面的figur不是原型动词?

    英语听说名师Derek 回复 @暮暖清秋: to在英语里有介词和动词不定式两个功能。当它做不定式提示词的时候,直接➕动词原形。但是这个句子里它是介词,所以用动词ing!最常见的例子:get used to doing!表示喜欢做某件事情

  • 1384302ochl


    英语听说名师Derek 回复 @1384302ochl: 你可以重新登陆一次app,看能解决不?

  • 暮暖清秋

    If you don’t want to end up being stuck in a dead-end job, you need to plan for a better future. 这句话中be为什么是ing形式啊?want to后面不是加原型动词吗?

    英语听说名师Derek 回复 @暮暖清秋: 因为end up中 up是介词,介词接续得动词必须是动名词。因为介词只能给跟名词性的部分。我所以一般都记忆成end up doing sth!be也是个动词,所以用being!我解释明白了吗?

  • 1331498uppt

    Very good 老师最好多更新几集

    英语听说名师Derek 回复 @1331498uppt: 谢谢你的肯定。我们每周二五更新。一共180集。马上要更新完结

  • 小白兔叶

    I know this may sound glitching。

  • 1331498uppt

    讲的很好 发音很准