


Police stop McDonald's from selling milkshakes(奶昔)near Nigel Farage (英国独立党领袖奈杰尔•法雷杰)rally(集会)


(CNN) Police ordered a McDonald's in Scotland(苏格兰) to stop selling milkshakes over fears people would dunk them over Brexit (英国退欧)campaigner(推动者) Nigel Farage, staff said, after a flurry of incidents left prominent far-right activists(极右分子) doused in(浸入) the creamy liquid.

Farage, the leader of the Brexit Party, was holding an event in Edinburgh(爱丁堡)on Friday ahead of next week's European elections.

But police were concerned that protesters would buy milkshakes from a McDonald's a few hundred meters away with the intention of pouring them on the hardline(强硬派的) Brexiteer's head.


A milkshake-dunking movement in Britain began after video went viral earlier this month showing a protester throwing a McDonald's milkshake over far-right campaigner Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, had the same drink thrown over him just days later at another event. Another protester tried to do the same to UKIP(英国独立党)candidate Carl Benjamin, who is being investigated by police over comments speculating(猜测)about whether he should rape a female MP, but the liquid narrowly missed his head.


"We will not be selling milkshakes or ice creams tonight. This is due to a police request given recent events," a printed sign in the McDonald's window read on Friday.

The chain's major competitor, Burger King, took a more lassez-faire(自由放任主义的)approach to the movement after news of the McDonald's ban emerged(出现).

"Dear people of Scotland. We're selling milkshakes all weekend. Have fun. Love BK #justsaying," Burger King wrote on Twitter.
Burger King followed up its cheeky(厚脸皮的) tweet with another clarifying it wasn't advocating(拥护)anything untoward(不幸的).

"We'd never endorse(认可) violence -- or wasting our delicious milkshakes! So enjoy the weekend and please drink responsibly people," Burger King tweeted.


Farage's Brexit Party are tipped to(倾向于)take the most seats in the UK in the upcoming European Elections.

They are campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union without a deal, a scenario economists(场景经济学家)have warned would have a severe financial impact.

CNN has contacted McDonald's for comment.
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