071 Level 3 谈论喜爱的艺术作品-跟读版

071 Level 3 谈论喜爱的艺术作品-跟读版


1. I can hardly think of anyone around me who has never heard of The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali. 我想不出自己身边有任何人从来没有听说过萨尔瓦多达利的作品《记忆的永恒》。

2.The enigmatic smile has contributed a lot to the lasting popularity of the Mona Lisa. 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》持久的魅力得益于她那神秘的微笑

3. The Starry Night is one of the most recognized paintings in the history of Western culture.  《星空》是西方文化史上最具识别度的一副画作。

4. The symbolic meaning of cypress trees in Van Goghs painting is a subject of open debate. 梵高画作中柏树的象征意义一直众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

5. Speaking of Rio, the first thing that comes to my mind is the giant statue—Christ the Redeemer. 提到里约热内卢,我首先想到的就是那个巨大的石像--基督救世主。

6. The Sphinx of Giza is a great sculpture, unsurpassed in scale and ambition. 吉萨狮身人面像是一个伟大的雕塑作品,无论是规模还是创意都无与伦比。

7. I find it hard to truly understand some artwork without having certain knowledge of the symbols used by the artist. 想要真正理解一些艺术作品,不对相应艺术家所使用的符号有所涉猎,几乎是不可能的。

8. The charm of Girl with a Pearl Earring lies in the fact that you simply cant stop wondering what she is thinking about.  《带珍珠耳环的少女》这幅画的魅力在于观赏者都会情不自禁的琢磨这个少女在想什么。

9. China is the birth place of bamboo, and bamboo has long been used as a material for artistic works. 中国是竹子的产地,而竹子一直以来都被用作艺术作品原材料。

10. In addition to Made in China products you see everywhere, China also produces unique and unrivaled works of art.  除了随处可见的中国制造商品外,中国也有独特无与伦比的艺术作品。     

