


Oil prices rise nearly 2% after Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯) reports tanker attacks

Dubai(迪拜) (CNN Business) Oil prices are rising as escalating(加剧)tensions(紧张) in the Middle East stoke fears about a global supply crunch(全球供应紧缩).
Brent crude futures (国际油价基准布伦特原油期货)— the global benchmark(基准) — gained about 1.9% on Monday to trade at $71.75 a barrel(每桶). US crude oil(原油)futures(期货)gained about 1.6% to $62.48.

Saudi Arabia said two of its oil tankers had been sabotaged(毁坏) off the coast of the United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯酋长国海岸), in attacks it said posed a threat to shipping and the security of global oil supplies.
A senior source at Saudi Arabia's ministry of energy(能源部) told CNN Business that the attacks were particularly alarming(令人担忧的) because the tankers were targeted outside the Strait of Hormuz(霍尔木兹海峡).

The US Energy Information Administration calls the Strait of Hormuz "the world's most important oil transit(运输) chokepoint(阻塞点)," with an estimated 20% of oil traded worldwide moving through the channel.

One of the two Saudi vessels(管道) was on its way to be loaded with Saudi crude oil from the port of Ras Tanura, to be delivered to customers in the United States, the state-run Saudi Press Agency reported Monday.

Tensions have risen in the oil-rich region in recent weeks amid the deployment of a growing number of United States military(军事的)assets to the Middle East due to deteriorating(恶化)relations with Iran(伊朗).
The Trump administration vowed last month to bring Iran's oil exports to "zero" by ending the sanctions' waivers(制裁豁免) that had allowed some countries to continue to buy crude from the OPEC nation(石油输出国家组织国家成员). It said the United States, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates would make up for the loss of Iranian supply.

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