069 Level 3 比较认同的价值观-跟读版

069 Level 3 比较认同的价值观-跟读版


1. Different values could lead to regional, as well as international, conflicts. 不同的价值观可能导致地区,和国际范围内的冲突。

2. Values are universally recognized as a driving force in ethical decision making. 价值观普遍被认为是道德决策过程中的驱动力。

3. The common culture provides unity whenever a nations existence is in peril. 一个国家无论任何时候处在生死危机之际,共同的文化总是能够使其民众团结一心,同仇敌忾。

4. I fully subscribe to the belief that a company without core values will never last. 我坚信,没有核心价值观的公司是不可能长久的。

5. Value-driven companies outperform their competition by 40%! 价值观导向的公司比其对手的表现要优异40个百分点。

6. Its better to teach values than to teach rules. 传递价值观比立规则更重要。

7. I find it hard to trust a person who does not believe in the value of gratitude. 我很难相信一个不懂得感恩的人。

8. Corporate values are the building blocks of the organizational culture. 公司价值观是组织文化的基石。

9. Filial piety is something that makes Chinese culture distinct and unique. 孝道是中国独特的文化。

10. It is self-evident that values shape peoples lives in ways we dont fully understand. 不言而喻,我们还不得而知价值观是如何影响人们的生活的。

