5G signal could jam satellites 5G网络或干扰气象预测 The introduction of 5G mobile phone networks could seriously affect weather forecasters' ability to predict major storms. That is the stark warning of meteorologists around the world, who say the next-generation wireless system now being rolled out across the globe is likely to disrupt the delicate satellite instruments they use to monitor changes in the atmosphere. 移动5G网络的应用可能会严重影响暴风雨预报的准确性。这是来自全球气象学家的严酷警告。他们认为,正在全球推广的5G网络将干扰用于监测大气变化的精密卫星设备。
The problem is that some 5G phone networks may transmit near a frequency similar to that emitted by water vapor, and so would produce a signal that looks very like its presence in the atmosphere, said Niels Bormann, from the Reading weather centre. "We would not be able to tell the difference and so would have to discard that data," added Bormann. The result will be impaired forecasts, poorer warnings about major storms, and loss of life. 雷丁天气中心的尼尔斯•铂尔曼说,问题就在于,一些移动5G网络的信号传输频率与水蒸气的信号传输频率接近,从而可能导致大气中监测到的信号发生混淆。铂尔曼说:"我们没办法分辨这两种信号,因此不得不弃用这些数据。"这将最终导致气象预报准确性被削弱,大型风暴预警能力降低以及人员死亡。
Breakfast reduces heart woes 研究:不吃早餐易患'心病'
Skipping breakfast could raise your risk of heart disease by 87%, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Iowa analyzed 18 years of data on 6,550 people over 40 who had no history of heart disease and found a clear link between breakfast habits and heart disease risk. 最新研究指出,不吃早餐可能会使患心脏病的风险增加87%。艾奥瓦大学的研究人员分析了6550名40岁以上无心脏病史的人在18年间的数据,发现早餐习惯与心脏病风险之间存在明显关联。
The team pointed to a few factors which could underlie this connection. First, those who don't eat breakfast may be more likely to snack unhealthily. Second, breakfast may help to balance blood sugar levels and control blood pressure. The findings, published on the "American College of Cardiology", come days after a similar study showed people who skip breakfast and eat a late dinner are less likely to survive a heart attack. 研究小组指出了有可能造成这种联系的几个因素。首先,不吃早餐的人更有可能吃不健康的零食。其次,早餐可能有助于平衡血糖水平和控制血压。该研究结果刊登在《美国心脏病学会》期刊上,不久前一项类似的研究显示,不吃早餐且吃晚饭较晚的人在心脏病发作时幸存下来的可能性更小。
Li nominated academician 李彦宏候选院士引热议
Baidu CEO Robin Li Yanhong's recent nomination for China's highest academic title in engineering has triggered heated debate, with some netizens claiming Li was unqualified because of his search engine's insufficient regulation of fraudulent medical advertising. 近日,百度首席执行官李彦宏获得提名候选我国工程技术领域的最高学术称号—中国工程院院士一事引发热议。一些网友称李彦宏没资格获得这一称号,因为其搜索引擎对欺骗性医疗广告的监管不到位。
Li was nominated to become a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) by the China Association for Science and Technology mainly for his contribution to China's search engine technology, financial news outlet Yicai reported. A netizen who goes by the alias Dahanchengxiang strongly opposed Li's nomination shortly after the announcement, saying in an article that Li was morally unqualified because of Baidu's insufficient regulation of advertising. 据金融类报刊《第一财经》报道,中国科学技术协会主要因李彦宏对我国搜索引擎技术的贡献,而提名他为中国工程院院士。提名公布后不久,一位化名"大汉丞相"的网友对此表示强烈反对,在一篇文章中该网友称李彦宏"品行不端",原因是百度对广告监管的力度不够。
The article went viral on social media but was removed over complaints of libel by Baidu. Some netizens in an anonymous WeChat poll opposed Li's nomination. The CAE said it makes the shortlist public to solicit public opinion but that it is not the final result, which comes after further review and evaluation. 该文章走红社交媒体,但后因遭百度控诉诽谤而被删除。部分网友在一项微信匿名投票中反对李彦宏提名院士。中国工程院称,公开候选人名单是为征集公众意见,并非最终结果。最终结果将在进一步评审评估后得出。
Post-00s adding value to QQ 腾讯发布00后用户报告
QQ users born in and after 2000 comprise 50% of those who use the value-added services provided on the social media platform, according to a report released by internet giant Tencent Holdings. Among these post-2000 QQ users enjoying the value-added services, 71% are male and only 29% are female, according to the report. 根据互联网巨头腾讯公司发布的一份报告,在使用社交媒体平台QQ提供的增值服务的人群中,半数用户为00后。报告称,在这些享受增值服务的00后QQ用户中,男性占比71%,女性占比29%。
Chongqing municipality has the most post-2000 QQ users, followed by Shenzhen, Chengdu and Guangzhou. The top three ways for them to add new friends are through QQ groups, search functions and the Qzone. Their favorite function is "haoyoudongtai", which has the latest information on friends, and their three most preferred emojis are kiss, grin and rage. 重庆市是00后QQ用户最多的城市,深圳、成都、广州紧随其后。00后最常用添加好友的方式为QQ群、搜索功能以及Qzone。他们最青睐的QQ功能是"好友动态",该功能可使他们获取好友的最新信息;00后最喜欢的三种表情为亲亲、呲牙和发怒。
The three pop stars post-2000 users talk most about are Zhu Yilong, Yi Yangqianxi, and Wang Yuan. Whether it's Monday to Friday or the weekend, most post-2000 users become active between 4 pm and 6 pm, a period when they leave school or finish homework. 00后讨论度最高的三位明星为朱一龙、易烊千玺和王源。无论是周一到周五还是周末,多数00后用户的活跃时段都在下午4-6时,这个时间正是他们离校或完成家庭作业的时段。
5月13日 英语:李彦宏候选院士引热议 Li nominated academician
【听众小福利!】亲爱的听众们大家好,中国日报网携手当当网推出“超越平凡,把世界读给你听”21天英语新闻打卡活动,每天4分钟复盘英语学习。挑战成功的小伙伴,当当网25元无门槛代金券在等着你,助力你的2019阅读计划!报名时间:即日—2019年5月17日止,报名方式:添加播报员微信号 13426001158,备注“2019 读书日报名”,通过后,完成后续报名流程吧~
5G signal could jam satellites
The introduction of 5G mobile phone networks could seriously affect weather forecasters' ability to predict major storms. That is the stark warning of meteorologists around the world, who say the next-generation wireless system now being rolled out across the globe is likely to disrupt the delicate satellite instruments they use to monitor changes in the atmosphere.
The problem is that some 5G phone networks may transmit near a frequency similar to that emitted by water vapor, and so would produce a signal that looks very like its presence in the atmosphere, said Niels Bormann, from the Reading weather centre. "We would not be able to tell the difference and so would have to discard that data," added Bormann. The result will be impaired forecasts, poorer warnings about major storms, and loss of life.
Breakfast reduces heart woes
Skipping breakfast could raise your risk of heart disease by 87%, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Iowa analyzed 18 years of data on 6,550 people over 40 who had no history of heart disease and found a clear link between breakfast habits and heart disease risk.
The team pointed to a few factors which could underlie this connection. First, those who don't eat breakfast may be more likely to snack unhealthily. Second, breakfast may help to balance blood sugar levels and control blood pressure. The findings, published on the "American College of Cardiology", come days after a similar study showed people who skip breakfast and eat a late dinner are less likely to survive a heart attack.
Li nominated academician
Baidu CEO Robin Li Yanhong's recent nomination for China's highest academic title in engineering has triggered heated debate, with some netizens claiming Li was unqualified because of his search engine's insufficient regulation of fraudulent medical advertising.
Li was nominated to become a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) by the China Association for Science and Technology mainly for his contribution to China's search engine technology, financial news outlet Yicai reported. A netizen who goes by the alias Dahanchengxiang strongly opposed Li's nomination shortly after the announcement, saying in an article that Li was morally unqualified because of Baidu's insufficient regulation of advertising.
The article went viral on social media but was removed over complaints of libel by Baidu. Some netizens in an anonymous WeChat poll opposed Li's nomination. The CAE said it makes the shortlist public to solicit public opinion but that it is not the final result, which comes after further review and evaluation.
Post-00s adding value to QQ
QQ users born in and after 2000 comprise 50% of those who use the value-added services provided on the social media platform, according to a report released by internet giant Tencent Holdings. Among these post-2000 QQ users enjoying the value-added services, 71% are male and only 29% are female, according to the report.
Chongqing municipality has the most post-2000 QQ users, followed by Shenzhen, Chengdu and Guangzhou. The top three ways for them to add new friends are through QQ groups, search functions and the Qzone. Their favorite function is "haoyoudongtai", which has the latest information on friends, and their three most preferred emojis are kiss, grin and rage.
The three pop stars post-2000 users talk most about are Zhu Yilong, Yi Yangqianxi, and Wang Yuan. Whether it's Monday to Friday or the weekend, most post-2000 users become active between 4 pm and 6 pm, a period when they leave school or finish homework.
China Daily 英语新闻
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China Chat
Amazing China
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