5月6日英语:New emperor ascends throne ds throne

5月6日英语:New emperor ascends throne ds throne


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Booze-fueled holidays out

Young people are far more interested in looking good on Instagram when they go on holiday than getting drunk and having casual sex, according to Thomas Cook. 


A poll by the holiday giant found just 10% of 18 to 25-year-olds now rate partying as a priority, while 42% said the local culture at destinations was most important to them, such as museums, galleries and ancient churches and temples. 


A spokesman said: "Millennials want to look after their bodies, shy away from one-night stands and hangover fry-ups, and favor wheatgrass smoothies - which make for better Instagram fodder."


Students face higher tuitions


Britain's education ministers are seeking to impose higher fees on universities students from European Union member states after any possible Brexit. 


Currently, EU nationals studying in the UK pay the same tuition fees as domestic students, but if the proposal put forward by Education Secretary Damian Hinds is passed, from the academic year 2021-22 onwards, they could be saddled with the significantly higher fees paid by students from non-EU countries. 


The proposal comes amid a time of financial uncertainty for several universities, with some reportedly close to bankruptcy. Just a month ago, ministers launched plans to increase the number of international students opting to study in the UK to 600,000 a year post-Brexit, boosting the economy by 35 billion pounds a year.


New emperor ascends throne


Japan new emperor, Naruhito, has formally ascended the Chrysanthemum Throne, replacing his father, Akihito, who had abdicated a day earlier. In a morning ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Wednesday, Naruhito became the 126th Emperor of Japan. 


In the first stage of the accession ceremony, imperial chamberlains carried state and privy seals into the hall along with two of Japan's "Three Sacred Treasures" - a sword and a jewel - which together with a mirror are symbols of the throne. Naruhito's ascension signals the start of the "Reiwa" era. During the special ritual, the 59-year-old, the first emperor to be born after World War II and to have studied overseas, takes possession of royal regalia and seals. Only adult male members of the imperial family were allowed to attend the inheritance ceremony.


His wife, Empress Masako entered the room for the second part of the ceremony with the other adult royal women. Shortly afterwards, joined by Masako and other royals, Naruhito addressed the nation for the first time.


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  • 大帅哥2001

    Japan new emperor, Naruhito, has formally ascended the Chrysanthemum Throne, replacing his father, Akihito, who had abdicated a day earlier. In a morning ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Wednesday, Naruhito became the 126th Emperor of Japan.  5月1日,日本新天皇德仁正式即位。此前一天,德仁的父亲明仁天皇退位。当日清晨,德仁在东京皇居