


Global View ‐ Taking The GMAT (C0320) 
Ash: I can’t seem to progress up the career ladder no
matter how hard I try and I have been here for 2 years
Mindy: Well, have you thought of getting an MBA? I
heard it does wonders in getting you to the top.
Ash: An MBA hey. . . well my degree wasn’t in business,
the business schools won’t be interested in me.
Mindy: Nonsense! The business schools measure your
ability through a test called GMAT.
Ash: GMAT? What does that stand for and what will the
test contain?
Mindy: Graduate Management Admission Test, it contains
three  parts;  Analytical  Writing  Assessment,  the
Quantitative section, and the Verbal section. Not only does
the test mark you on the number of questions answered but
also on the difficulty.
Ash: Okay this sounds a little tough, how am I supposed
to practice for this?
Mindy: Up to you, you could have a one on one session
with a tutor or group sessions, you can also use free or
private computer software. Going to church might help as
Ash: No matter what I do I’m going to ace this test and go
on to become a corporate fat cat!
Mindy: Umm.. . That’s the spirit!

  • 颖_mux

    Not only does the test score you on the number of questions answered but also on the difficulty.