


Daily Life ‐ Tune Up (C0284) 
A: Welcome to Al’s Garage. What seems to be the
B: No problem at all! I am taking a long road trip and I
want to make sure my car is in good mechanical condition.
A: Very wise decision. When was the last time you had a
tune up?
B: Not that long ago, I think it was four months ago.
A: We usually recommend that you bring your car in every
five thousand kilometers.
B: Why? I mean, what exactly do you do to a car that you
need to check it so often?
A: First of all, we change the motor oil and oil filter. If you
don’t do this, it can cause your engine to wear faster and
that means you would probably have to change the pistons
and intake valves.
B: I see. What else?
A: We also check your spark plugs, fuel filter, and other
oil levels such as hydraulic fluid. We also check the clutch
and brakes to determine when you will need new ones.
B: Ok, well, when you put it that way, it doesn’t seem like
a waste of time and money.
A: Trust me, regular tune ups will keep your car running
smoothly and avoid break downs.

