64 Level 3 表达后悔 -跟读版

64 Level 3 表达后悔 -跟读版


1. Giving up my career to be a full-time mom is my biggest regret.


2. One time I bought a Toyota, and that turned out to be 5000 dollars down the drain. 我曾买过一辆丰田车,结果是5000美金打了水漂。

3. I once made a very racial reference to another kid, and it haunts me to this day.


4. I couldve been a doctor if Id studied harder. 要是我学习再刻苦点儿,现在可能会是一名医生了。

5. I wouldnt have gotten wet if Id taken my umbrella. 如果带了雨伞,我现在就不会和落汤鸡一样了。

6. I wish I hadnt gotten this tattoo of my ex-boyfriends initials on my shoulder. 我多希望自己肩膀没有刺前男友名字缩写的纹身。

7. There are things in my life that I am not particularly proud of. 我曾做过一些年少轻狂,不是很光彩的事情。(我的人生,也有很多悔恨,不满。)

8. I am a big believer that everything happens for a reason. 我坚信,任何事情都是事出有因的。

9. Try not to burden yourself with regrets from your past. 努力尝试从过去的羁绊中解脱出来。(不困于过往)

10. Making mistakes is as natural as breathing in and breathing out. 人犯错误和呼吸一样自然。(值得原谅/很正常)


