无论哪个阶层 都不会在身上贴上标签 阶层的事应该是骨子里的东西吧 举手投足 穿衣打扮等等等等 体现出你的 hierarchy
英语主播璐璐 回复 @君子_好球: 嗯嗯,肯定的,比如穿衣打扮里面,英国的上中产及以上,衣服颜色都会比较保守一些(某些特别群体除外,比如演艺界),面料会讲究,颜色则会偏neutral/classic,这也是一个symbol。
总会有人问 听什么 从哪期开始听 我想 这样回答是不是更合适呢 选择自己感兴趣的topics收听 建议从后往前听 不知璐璐是否同意
英语主播璐璐 回复 @君子_好球: 超级对,就是按照自己的兴趣最好,每一集都自成体系哒
I think there are now three distinct classes: the new ruling class which sets game rules and controls state corporates, the emerging rich that benefits from the ongoing opening-up of China, and the working class comprising the new middle class, the blue collar and peasants alike.
Candy_a4j 回复 @柘笠: I enjoy reading your penetrating insight
The bottom class’s grappling with their debt is compounded by their desire for better living condition and by their waking awareness to stand up for their rights. But overall the future is bright as Chinese as a whole are eager to prove themselves and restore their ancient glory.
I’m curious whether the new affluent workers are similar to the so called “nouveau riche” or “upstart”... But I think the affluent workers are not just better off financially, they seem to have spiritual needs as well! A bit different from Chinese standard 暴发户....
讲得太好啦,能不能再专门来一期有关印度的caste system 的内容
英语主播璐璐 回复 @silver_v0: 请看最新节目下面图片提示,就知道哪里有字幕了