063 Level 3 表达悲伤-跟读版

063 Level 3 表达悲伤-跟读版


1. Sheila just broke my heart when she said she did not like the birthday gift I gave her. 西拉刚伤了我的心。她说不喜欢我送她的生日礼物。

2. The old man was really devastated when police told him that his dog had been run over by a car. 当老人从警察那里得知自己的狗被车轧了的时候,他简直是痛不欲生。

3. I cried my eyes out when I heard that Michael Jackson had died. 当我得知迈克尔杰克逊去世的噩耗时,简直是悲痛欲绝。

4. When I discovered that my pet gold fish was not as active as usual, my heart sank. 当我发现我的宠物金鱼不如往常那么活跃(有点儿蔫儿)的时候,我心往下一沉。

5. Jeremy just cant stop whining about his girlfriend dumping him. 杰尔米一直叨叨他被女朋友甩的事情。

6. Do you know what its like to be betrayed by your best friend? 你知道被自己最好的朋友背叛是什么感觉吗?

7. When Mrs. Wilkinson heard about the death of her cat, she did not take it very well. 威尔肯森太太听到她的猫死了,心情很不好。

8. I just want to put this miserable experience behind me and move on. 我只想把这段悲惨的经历暂放一边,接着迎接未来的生活。

9. I dont know what I am gonna do not seeing you every day. 我不知道不能每天见到你,我会多无所适从。

10. Using the sad emoji just robs us of the ability to express our sorrows in words. 使用表示伤心的表情包削弱了我们表达悲伤的语言能力。

