Lesson 15-R音节-oar.oor.our.war.quar

Lesson 15-R音节-oar.oor.our.war.quar


这节课我们将会学习5个字母组合的读音,分别是oar, oor, our, war和quar。


oar says /ɔːr/, as in the word roar. In the first picture, you can see a lion. What is the lion doing? The lion is roaring.

In the word roar, r says /r/, oar says /ɔːr/. r-oar, roar.


In the second picture, we can see a boy. He is writing something on the blackboard.

In the word blackboard, there are two syllables. The first one is black, bl says /bl/, short a says /æ/, ck says /k/. bl-a-ck, black. The second syllable is board, b says /b/, oar says /ɔːr/, d says /d/. b-oar-d, board. blackboard.



oor says /ɔːr/, as in the word door. In the picture, you can see a brown door. When you leave your home, you need to close the door.

In the word door, d says /d/, oor says /ɔːr/, d-oor, door.


In the next picture, you can see a swimming pool. Where is the swimming pool? It is indoor. This word also has two syllables. in is the frist one, door is the second one. Short i says /i/, n says /n/, i-n, in. d says /d/, oor says /ɔːr/, d-oor, door. indoor.



our says /ɔːr/, as in the word pour. When you have guests at your home, you need to poor a glass of water for them.

In the word pour, p says /p/, our says /ɔːr/, p-our, pour.


In the following picture, we can see a basketball court. We play basketball on the basketball court. We play football on the football court.

In the word court, c says /k/, our says /ɔːr/, t says /t/. c-our-t, court.


war & quar

ar读作/aːr/,但是当ar出现在字母w后面时,ar的读音就变成了/ɔːr/. As in the word warm. Look, the two children are sitting around the fire warming themselves.

In the word warm, war says /wɔːr/, m says /m/. war-m, warm. How do you feel in spring? I feel warm in spring.


In the next picture, the sign tells us don't touch it, because it is hot.

In the word warn, war says /wɔːr/, n says /n/. war-n, warn.


qu读作/kw/, ar出现在字母w后面时读作/ɔːr/,所以quar读作/kwɔːr/。 As in the word quarter. In the picture, you can see the red part is one quarter of the circle.

In the word quar says /kwɔːr/, t says /t/, er says /ər/, t-er, ter. quarter. A quarter of an hour is fifteen minutes.


In the last picture, the two men are quarreling. The fat man is holding a knife. as if he is going to kill the other man.

quarrel这个单词有两个音节,第一个音节quar读作/kwɔː/,第二个音节rel,r读作/r/,e弱读为/ə/, l读作/l/. /r-ə-l/, /rəl/. quarrel.


总结:oar, oor, our在单词中读作/ɔːr/; war读作/wɔːr/; quar读作/kwɔːr/。

  • 1869378vgzw

    老师,元音字母组合跟r组成的r音节,和一个元音字母加r组成的音节,一样吗,有没有长音跟短音的区别比如or跟oar our 如果一样,听到单词时能够区分吗

    Jerry的英语课堂 回复 @1869378vgzw: or和oar our的读音是一样的 别担心 听说读写译并进 可以先见此能读再听音会写

  • 1359516jkby


    Jerry的英语课堂 回复 @1359516jkby: war /wɔː / 嘴巴圆形 wor/wɜː / 嘴巴扁形

  • Ling_nh3


    Jerry的英语课堂 回复 @Ling_nh3: 因为or和ar出现在单词的结尾都要读/ər/ 如tractor sailor collar dollar等

  • 1866666dxwn

    老师 pour poor发音是一样的吗

    Jerry的英语课堂 回复 @1866666dxwn: 如果英式发音就是一样的 都读/ɔː / 不过在美式发音中oor在poor中读/ur/ 所以就不一样了

  • 1350680isyk


    Jerry的英语课堂 回复 @1350680isyk: 没有区别 一样的