奥黛丽·赫本 | 1981年为加里·格兰特获奖致辞

奥黛丽·赫本 | 1981年为加里·格兰特获奖致辞


If all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players, then here is a very special player, who has also been our friend.


For what is friendship, if not a willingness to give, to give laughter where there are tears, comfort when there are fears, pleasure, fantasy and fun where there is none. For young and old to create a world they may never see, people with characters and clowns they will never be.

试问何为友谊?友谊是润物细无声 ,伤心落泪时让你破涕为笑,担惊受怕是让你安心落意,为平淡无奇的生活平添盎然生机,为人们创造出从未见过的美好世界。助人们成为他们从未想象过的自己。

A friend who brings to our lives often stark, brightness and cheer sweeping away thoughts sorrowful and dark, giving us strength to face each day and come what may, we know he will be there to help us bear our lives as if it were a play.


So thank you, Cary, for giving joy across the years to those who need in times of selfishness and a star to hang their dreams on. And before I’m gone, in gratitude and love I end, you have truly been a friend.


  • 果敢_hyouth

    可爱的永恒的赫本 不过听出了一点点印度口音是怎么回事~😄

    陈府公子Childe 回复 @果敢_hyouth: 因为她祖籍是比利时布鲁塞尔,不是英国人。

  • Dannielle_Le


  • Alvin_zcsz


  • ei31swt567m8ccl74rg8


  • 爱打喷嚏的大胆胆

    第二段people应该是peopled 这里是动词用法 我的导师跟我讨论了半天

  • youzhu0

    For what is friendship is not a willingness to give, to give laughter where there are tears, comfort when there are fears, pleasure, fantasy and fun where there is none.

  • youzhu0

    and men and women merely players

  • 竹青兰香_ym

    selfishness and greed,right?

  • 竹青兰香_ym


  • Grace夭夭
