Don't Let These 5 Kinds of People in Your Life

Don't Let These 5 Kinds of People in Your Life


Show me your friends and I’ll soon tell you who you are, and what kind of life you will live. Those you CHOOSE to surround yourself with, will play a huge part in the quality of your life, or lack of quality in your life.

If you hang around with only angry and negative people… your life will be full of anger and negativity. If you surround yourself with kind, compassionate and positive people, your life will have more kindness, and positive energy. Who you surround yourself with is crucial, and sometimes it is important you reflect on those you are spending the most time with and asking yourself, do I really want these people in my life?

If you have any of these people in your life, it might be time to rethink how much time you spend with them, if any at all. It might not be easy to limit or end all interaction with these people, if they are friends, or family… but if they are not making your life, or theirs better by you spending time together, maybe it’s time for both of you to move on.

Number 1: Dishonest People
Number 2: Controlling People
Number 3: Angry, Bitter and Negative People (Victim Mentality)
Number 4: Takers (Never Givers)
Number 5: Those Who Have No Desire To Grow

Let’s talk a little more about each personality so you can spot them, and if needed, limit your time, or end your time with them.

【Number 1: Dishonest People】
TRUST is a major human need for any relationship. Friendships, romantic relationships, family members – if you can’t trust them, limit your time with them. If they lie repeatedly or rarely give you the full story – this is a clear sign they don’t respect you. Address the problem with the person, if you can, and if the situation doesn’t change move on and move forward. Don’t respond with hate, or revenge in mind, just move on, take the high road, and let them play out their dishonesty elsewhere. Remember, if something feels off, it is most likely off.




  • 1390932yads


    1392925izss 回复 @1390932yads: 同感

  • 爱学习的小辣昭

    一人血书想要字幕 呜呜呜呜

  • 今天的太阳有点甜

    Follow my heart.

  • lixr66


    兰戈是个女孩 回复 @lixr66: 不要翻译字幕就可以

  • 章小鱼1


    叶子_7jy 回复 @章小鱼1: 多听多读多看多讲。除了努力付出没有捷径。利用好所有碎片时间。早上洗漱、走路、公交上……

  • 1390932yads


  • 13433399yrb

    Good speech

  • lookfor12

    能让我免费听就很好了 感恩

  • 1806169qted

    It's a great article. Let me know how to make friends. Leave away the five kinds of people:Number 1: Dishonest People Number 2: Controlling People Number 3: Angry, Bitter and Negative People (Victim Mentality) Number 4: Takers (Never Givers) Number 5: Those Who Have No Desire To Grow

  • WWWR99
