4月17日 英语:巴黎圣母院遇严重火灾 Fire guts Paris' Notre Dame

4月17日 英语:巴黎圣母院遇严重火灾 Fire guts Paris' Notre Dame


Fire guts Paris' Notre Dame

A massive fire consumed Notre Dame Cathedral on Monday, gutting and destroying the roof of the Paris landmark and stunning France and the world, but firefighters said they had saved the shell of the stone structure from collapse. Flames that began in the early evening burst rapidly through the roof of the centuries-old cathedral and engulfed the spire, which toppled, quickly followed by the entire roof. 

As it burned into the evening, firefighters battled to prevent one of the main bell towers from collapsing. Firefighters battled smoke and falling drops of molten lead to salvage priceless artworks and relics. A centuries-old crown of thorns made from reeds and gold and the tunic worn by Saint Louis, a 13th century king of France, were saved, Notre Dame's top administrative cleric, Monsignor Patrick Chauvet, said. 

The Paris prosecutor's office said it had launched an inquiry into the fire. Several police sources said that they were working on the assumption for now that it was accidental.

Japan to fix odd translations

"Forgotten Center" instead of "Lost and Found" is just one of the mistranslations discovered on websites that may puzzle foreign tourists in Japan, the government said, urging the operators to fix such problems as soon as possible. 
日本政府表示,"失物招领处(Lost and Found)"翻译成"忘记中心(Forgotten Center)",这只是日本网站上发现的诸多令外国游客懵圈的错误翻译之一。日本政府敦促经营者尽快改正这些错误。

With the country readying itself for a further influx of foreign visitors ahead of next year's Olympics, the Japan Tourism Agency conducted a survey between February and March examining a total of 85 websites by train and bus operators as well as transportation signs in towns. Peculiar English words were found on websites that rely on automated translations, with problematic examples including the use of "dwarf" for "children" and "release place" for "ticket machines". 

First 3D print of heart 

Scientists in Israel unveiled a 3D print of a heart with human tissue and vessels on Monday, calling it a first and a "major medical breakthrough" that advances possibilities for transplants. While it remains a far way off, scientists hope one day to be able to produce hearts suitable for transplant into humans as well as patches to regenerate defective hearts. 

The heart produced by researchers at Tel Aviv University is about the size of a rabbit's. It marked "the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart replete with cells, blood vessels, ventricles and chambers," said Tal Dvir, who led the project. 

"People have managed to 3D-print the structure of a heart in the past, but not with cells or with blood vessels," he said. But the scientists said many challenges remain before fully working 3D printed hearts will be available for transplant into patients.

12.4 digital books a year

Chinese people on average read 12.4 digital publications in 2018, taking an average of 71.3 minutes, according to a report released at the Digital Reading Conference China 2019 in Hangzhou city. Approximately 432 million Chinese read digital publications on electronic devices, such as personal computers, mobile phones, tablet computers and e-readers, the report said. 

China's digital reading market reached 25.5 billion yuan in 2018, up 19.6% from 2017. With the development of information technology, digital reading has become increasingly important, the report said. In addition, many educational platforms have also cooperated with digital publishers to reach more users. 

Feng Shixin, a deputy director in charge of publication at the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, said digital reading had experienced a rapid boom in China, enriching people's reading choices.

  • 1318013tktv


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  • 在路上_8ua


  • 风儿轻飘


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    pinky_sun 回复 @pinky_sun: 😀

  • 不买主动基金


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    Jean_kq 回复 @不买主动基金: 对啊,期待有美式发音。

  • 星学院__菲洛


    戴口罩的靓仔 回复 @星学院__菲洛: 确实

  • 星学院__菲洛

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