4月16日 英语:伍兹10余年后再夺冠勾起回忆杀 Woods wins the Masters

4月16日 英语:伍兹10余年后再夺冠勾起回忆杀 Woods wins the Masters


Woods wins the Masters

Tiger Woods won the Masters on Sunday for the first time since he did it in 2005, ending a long championship drought. The 44-year-old won his fifth Masters and 15th major title, completing a comeback from major surgeries and personal scandal that derailed his career. 

It was his first major golf tournament win in over a decade, and it started social media buzzing about what the world was like the last time Woods wore the green jacket. Hint: You couldn't have tweeted about it on your iPhone, because neither Twitter nor the iPhone existed. 

Some golf fans used it as an opportunity to reflect on their own life changes since 2005. "The last time Tiger won I had no kids," Nick Wegman wrote. "I just watched him win with my 7-year-old. Great sports moment to share with him." ESPN's Mike Greenberg wrote: "If that wasn't the best day in golf history it was pretty damn close."
一些高尔夫球迷借此机会来反思自己自2005年以来的生活变化。尼克•韦格曼写道:"上一次'老虎'获胜时我还没有孩子。现在我和我7岁的孩子一起看着他获胜,分享这一体育史上的伟大时刻。" 娱乐体育节目电视网的迈克•格林伯格写道:"即使这不是高尔夫历史上最美好的一天,那也非常接近了。"

Complaint goes viral

A video clip has gone viral showing a young woman in Xi'an sitting on the hood of a car complaining about the dealer that sold the car to her. The video shows the woman sitting on top of a Mercedes-Benz and crying that she bought it for 660,000 yuan, but after the engine was found to have an oil leak, her complaint was ignored for 15 days. 

The Mercedes-Benz dealership in Xi'an Saturday said the shop is negotiating with the buyer. The dealership has agreed to refund her in full, but the buyer told local regulators that she was not satisfied with the deal, and insisted on further negotiations. 

On Saturday, the Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co issued a statement saying it was deeply sorry for the customer's experience. It said it had launched an investigation and dispatched a special team to Xi'an to negotiate with the woman. The car in question has been sealed for examination by local regulators, media reports said.

Uncertainty impairs health

The depth of British anxiety over Brexit has been revealed by research to show that more than six in 10 people believe the ongoing uncertainty is bad for mental health. It found that 83% of people were sick of seeing Brexit on the news every day, 64% believed the attendant anxiety was bad for people's mental health, and more than two-thirds felt Brexit became more confusing the more they heard about it. 

Asked whether or not they agreed with the statement "I'm not impressed with what either the Conservative party or the Labor party have been doing on Brexit", 84% of respondents concurred. 70% said a general election "would not resolve anything". 
在被问及是否同意"我对保守党或工党在脱欧问题上的作为都不以为然"的说法时, 84%的受访者表示同意。70%的人认为,大选"并不能解决任何问题"。

There was greater division on the way forward: 39% said the UK should cancel Brexit and 46% backed a departure with no deal. Almost three years on from the EU referendum, 30% of people said they still firmly backed Brexit and 34% were equally strongly against the idea.

Scale helps lose weight

The scale of the future does not have numbers or dials. It won't even tell you how much you weigh. It doesn't have a screen to display your weight because, if you ask Duke University behavioral economist Dan Ariely, weight is a metric of the past. 

Most scales remind people of the shame, regret, and self-disgust they feel when they step onto one. So Ariely wants to rethink the scale's design. Ariely's dream of the unquantified self. The smart scale designed by Ariely captures bone density and muscle mass in addition to overall weight, and it connects to your phone. 

You simply step on, and step off. And it never tells you how much you weigh, not even in the app. Instead, it analyzes all the granular information about your body and translates it into simple humanspeak: either you're doing fine, or you're not. Ariely thinks this approach will help people better understand how their choices are affecting their overall health, rather than what makes someone gain or lose a few fractions of a pound in a day.

  • 从川18


    何婷HiTi 回复 @从川18: 你看的什么APP

  • 芒果鲜虾沙律

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    uxex90twxtf9en3xpewk 回复 @幻想_prince: 挤挤

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    白桃三芽 回复 @白桃三芽: 么么哒

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  • Hakula_bg

    Scale helps lose weight