4月15日 英语:明仁天皇夫妇退位前迎'钻石婚' Royals mark 60th anniversary

4月15日 英语:明仁天皇夫妇退位前迎'钻石婚' Royals mark 60th anniversary



First image of black hole

The first-ever image of a black hole, a joint effort of more than 200 astronomers worldwide, including 16 from the Chinese mainland, was released on Wednesday. It was the first visible representation of what are considered the most extreme objects in the universe. 

The image depicts the black hole at the heart of Messier 87, a massive, distant galaxy in the Virgo galaxy cluster. It resides 55 million light-years from Earth and has a mass 6.5 billion times that of the sun. It puts to the test Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity put forward in 1915, which allows for a prediction of the size and shape of a black hole. 
照片中捕获的是室女座星系团中超大质量的遥远星系Messier 87中心的黑洞。它距离地球5500万光年,质量为太阳的65亿倍。爱因斯坦在1915年提出广义相对论,预言了黑洞的尺寸和形状,如今黑洞照片的面世使这一理论得到验证。

The Event Horizon Telescope, a globe-spanning array of eight ground-based radio telescopes, was used to observe the black hole. It took an international scientific team to capture the paradigm-shifting image, which was announced through coordinated news conferences around the world.

Work schedules under fire


Activists are calling for more supervision over labor exploitation in an online crusade spearheaded by software developers against the so-called 996 work schedule, which is widely practiced in China's tech industry. The rules - which require employees to work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week without overtime pay-came under fire after a programmer created 996.ICU, a page on code-sharing platform GitHub.com. 

The page garnered immediate attention at home and abroad. The name 996.ICU refers to a saying among Chinese developers that following the 996 schedule puts you at risk of ending up in an intensive care unit. In the weeks that followed the creation of 996.ICU in March, the page has accrued almost 200,000 stars - which indicates popularity among users. 

Jiang Ying, a professor at China University of Labor Relations and a leading expert on China's Labor Law, said the rare protest by sleep-deprived tech firm employees underscored the difficulties facing workers who defend their rights. "When resorting to the legal system for protection, there is a price to pay: time, money and the risk of losing your job. And as a result they took to cyberspace," she said.

  • 李骏_gb

    guojia如果屏蔽,两个字中间空一下,或者加符号,如国,家,或者国 家,是不是可以屏蔽这个问题~

    shaniasofine 回复 @李骏_gb: 但这样会造成准备文稿的时间变长,而且也不美观,毕竟是一篇正式的文章

  • 李仙姑姑哇

    Day 16 很用心的节目 感谢

  • 青涩的呆喵

    棒棒哒,很适合练听力。每天坚持听,加油(ง •̀_•́)ง

  • 齐and齐


    Fightingfordreaming 回复 @齐and齐: 总有一天你可以的

  • _惠爷吖

  • 1875379yumm


  • 啦啦1啦啦啦2


  • 游标卡尺_xu

  • Hakula_bg
