

  • 羊悦悦

    plane:high flying=ambitious/successful有野心; do something on an autopilot=do something easily and proficiently熟练做某事; highway:take road trips=journey on your own driving 自驾游;step up a gear=change the rate into a next speed grade往上挂档; stuck in second gear/stuck in a rut=be in a dilemma陷入僵局

  • 羊悦悦

    back on tracks 重回正轨 show someone the ropes 传授秘籍 be in the same boat处境类似(较负面)ups and downs 起起伏伏 lights at the end of the tunnel幽境中的希望

  • 1805584pgvd


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @1805584pgvd: 太早的节目没有原文稿,建议从比较新的开始听哦

  • 小学霸666666

    my life is back on track 近一周开始办公 听着你的节目 又心定了

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @小学霸666666: 嘻嘻

  • 崇尚自然_on


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @崇尚自然_on: 请听最新节目

  • 宝宝2009

    Charming and comfortable voice as well as enjoyable content

  • J啾啾啾

    I always thought I'm a high-flying person, but now I'm stucking in the rut and can not do anything on track. I can hardly get used to the life in the fast lane, I really hoped someone could show me the ropes. Luckily, I met Lulu, thank you for your dedication, I am going to step up a gear, I believe that I can get back on track and see the light at the end of tunnel!

    听友251920624 回复 @J啾啾啾: 👍

  • 李卓卓85

    high flying雄心大志的 do s.th on autopilot对某事烂熟于心 step up a gear更加全力地做…… stuck in second gear卡在二挡上,做什么都不顺遂 slow/fast lane慢/快车道 life in fast lane压力大节奏快的生活 stuck in the rut陷入困境 on track按计划进行 back on track回到正轨 show someone the ropes传授经验 be in the same boat同在一条船上

  • 海棠霉霉

    light on the end of tunnel:柳暗花明🌸

    酱肉馅儿小卷粉 回复 @海棠霉霉: light at the end of tunnel

  • 黄色邮筒


    Blues_bbq_buzz 回复 @黄色邮筒: 来自 秒速5厘米