94 I'm sorry to hear that.

94 I'm sorry to hear that.

   《突破口语:流利美语速成100天》 出版社:  世界图书出版公司;此教程 将发音知识完美地融入会话中,不仅在每句英语下面标注了纯正美语音标,列详细讲解会话中出现的连续、音变和爆破现象,以方便读者真正了解英美人士在快速流利的口语交流时的发音秘决,同时彻底空破听力。
  • ycheng1019

    A:How may I help you? B: I'd like to book a single room. A:OK. What price range do you have in mind? B: Will you give me a special rate and term? A: I'm sorry, we only give rates for groups. B: I'm sorry to hear that. A: You can find another place. B: Thank you! goodbye.

  • 陌生人你好吧


  • 陌生人你好吧

    A:How may I help you? B: I'd like to book a single room. A:OK. What price range do you have in mind? B: Will you give me a special rate and term? A: I'm sorry, we only give rates for groups. B: I'm sorry to hear that. A: You can find another place. B: Thank you! goodbye.

  • 李沐彬

    rate_搜狗翻译 l#reɪtr# l#reɪtr# n. 比率; 价格; 费用 v. 评估; 对…估价; 给…定级; 把…看作; 苛责; 严责; 将…沤软 The mortgage rate increase will have a depressing effect on the housing market. 抵押贷款利率提高会造成房产市场的萧条。 过去分词:rated 现在分词:rating 过去式:rated 第三人称单数:rates 复数:rates

  • 1373211dmnt

    A:How may I help you? B: I'd like to book a single room. A:OK. What price range do you have in mind? B: Will you give me a special rate and term? A: I'm sorry, we only give rates for groups. B: I'm sorry to hear that. A: You can find another place. B: Thank you! goodbye.