4 What's the matter

4 What's the matter

   《突破口语:流利美语速成100天》 出版社:  世界图书出版公司;此教程 将发音知识完美地融入会话中,不仅在每句英语下面标注了纯正美语音标,列详细讲解会话中出现的连续、音变和爆破现象,以方便读者真正了解英美人士在快速流利的口语交流时的发音秘决,同时彻底空破听力。
  • casyli

    I feel very sleepy today what’s the matter?didn’t you get enough sleep last night,I feel sleep very late I didn’t sleep very well last night are you worried about something? These things happen take it easy thing will look better tomorrow

    y1nkxxh 回复 @casyli: fell asleep

  • zhjzh厚德载物

    I feel very sleepy today . What’s the matter? Didn’t you get enough sleep last night? I feel asleep very late. I didn’t sleep well last night. Are you worried about something? These things happen. Take it easy. Things will look better tomorrow.

    听友77063439 回复 @zhjzh厚德载物: How come you look so tired,Mike? I stayed up till midnight last night. How well do you speak English now? I can't express myself very well in English. I'm working hard to improve my English now. Are you making any progress? I'm not making much progress with my English. Take your time.Rome wasn't bui

  • 1581881upau

    I feel very sleepy today . What’s the matter?Didn’t you get enough sleep last night? I feel a sleep very late .I didn’t sleep well last night Are you worried about something? These things happen. Take it easy .Things will look better tomorrow.

  • 客观一族


    子梦如约 回复 @客观一族: Take it easy. 应该翻译为“别紧张”

  • 凌波小小仙

    I feel very sleepy today .what’s the matter?didn’t you get enough sleep last night?I fell asleep very late. I didn’t sleep very well last night. are you worried about something? These things happen .take it easy. things will look better tomorrow. 我今天觉得很困。怎么啦?你昨晚没睡好吗?我睡着已经很晚了。我昨晚睡得不好。你有什么心事吗?

  • xmly韩老师


  • Seven的天空很安静

    I feel very sleepy today . What’s the matter?Didn’t you get enough sleep last night? I feel asleep very late .I didn’t sleep well last night Are you worried about something? These things happen. Take it easy .Thing will look better tomorrow.

  • 凌波小小仙

    这是常有的事。别紧张, 明天情况会好转的。

  • 听友101646380


  • 听友77063439

    How come you look so tired,Mike? I stayed up till midnight last night. How well do you speak English now? I can't express myself very well in English. I'm working hard to improve my English now. Are you making any progress? I'm not making much progress with my English. Take your time.Rome wasn't bui