能让你变得更加自信的30个方法 - Based Zeus

能让你变得更加自信的30个方法 - Based Zeus


#1 Work out a lot, because exercise is scientifically proven to make you happier.

#2 Work out a lot because looking good will make you feel good.

#3 Eat healthy, because being healthy will make you feel good. If you're obese, lazy, and unhealthy, you obviously won't be on the same level as someone who has their life together.

#4 Have a hobby, and be good at it. If you're not good at it, get good at it. Because being competitive and being good at stuff will make you more confident.

#5 Dress well because looking good will make you feel good. If you walk into a room and you know you're the best dressed person there, even if you're not the best LOOKING, girls are still gonna check you out.

#6 NEVER make a decision based on what other people think of you. Train yourself not to do this. If you're listening to the new Justin Bieber album in your car and someone pulls up next to you, don't reach to turn it down because you're embarrassed, just keep blasting that because you don't give a ---- about other peoples' opinions. Because confident people don't sit around worrying about impressing others, we just do the stuff that we want to do and if other people like it then fine, and if they don't like it then that's fine too.

#7 Watch guys who are confident and do some of the shit they do. Like guys you know or guys from TV shows, or whoever. Because this will give you a feel for different things, it will let you try out new things, and it will let you see how people respond to different types of things.

#8 Be successful. Because being successful in life makes you feel like a boss. Because you are.

#9 Do whatever the f--k you want. Don't try to avoid offending people. Be yourself. Now this doesn't mean you should be a douche bag to people for no reason, it just means you shouldn't spend half your life walking on egg shells because you're scared you might POSSIBLY offend someone that you'll probably never see again anyway.

#10 Make friends, because a lot of people are social and feel better when they have friends to talk to. Making friends is easy, seriously, all you have to do is DON'T. BE. CREEPY. That's it. That's how to make friends in a nutshell.




  • 英文原版读物

    能增加一个人自信心的一些小建议: ①坚持锻炼身体; ②健康饮食; ③培养一个擅长的兴趣; ④注重着装; ⑤不要依据其他人的看法来做决定; ⑥跟有自信心的人学习; ⑦事业成功; ⑧不要怕得罪人; ⑨广交朋友; ⑩家庭融洽; ⑪不要在网上和人争论; ⑫早上醒来立刻起床; ⑬远离负能量的朋友; ⑭勇于承担风险; ⑮做事情有自己的原则; ⑯永远不要抱怨。

    ElainelovesSunshine 回复 @英文原版读物: 很喜欢这篇!谢谢主播!

  • 上课噢minecraft西


    英文原版读物 回复 @上课噢minecraft西: 棒棒的👍

  • 1305300ymzl


    英文原版读物 回复 @1305300ymzl: 话粗理不粗😉

  • 1597696wiup


    黑暗森林的归零者 回复 @1597696wiup: 关键是完全听不懂。

  • 1583030pyxo


  • 随心画圆


  • 听风听雨听尽天下美声

    全程爆粗口啊,但是道理是有的。自信,做你要做的事,别管别人怎么样,跟别人没关系。对于那些不敢付诸行动的人,不管你是否成功都是成功的。come on!

  • c2g208itoj0z2drhx4o9


  • z7ev9dwlaxl75sub9k6r


  • Mister小宝儿
