


M: Hello English learners! Welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: And today we’re bringing you the Third Part of this series that we’ve created, called

I’m Sorry, I Love You.

E: That’s right, the third part in our story about our EnglishPod couple.

M: Yeah, it’s a romantic series, but today we’re bringing you an argument.

E: That’s right.

M: Like in every relationship you have fights, you have discussions. So, we’re gonna teach

you how to do that in English.

E: That’s right, in today’s lesson you’ll learn some great language that people use when

they get into an argument with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

M: Right, so, why don’t we take a look at “vocabulary preview”?

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

E: We have one phrase today – get a hold.

M: Get a hold.

E: Get a hold.

M: To get a hold.

E: To get a hold of someone means…

M: To try and communicate with that person.

E: Exactly. So, to try and call that person.

M: For example, I can say “I’ve been calling his phone all day, but I can’t get a hold of him”.

E: Or I could say “finally, Marco, I got a hold of you; where have you been all day?”

M: Exactly.

E: Uhu.

M: Now, we’re gonna listen to our dialogue and as always it’s gonna be at a normal pace,

but you don’t have to worry about it.

E: We’ll come back and teach you all of the important words.


M: Okay, so, a little bit of trouble in the relationship.

E: Yeah, that’s too bad.

M: Yeah, well, I think, um, she’s overreacting.

E: You do?

M: Hehe. We’ll talk about that later on. But we saw some great words and phrases here, so

it’s time for “language takeaway”.

Voice: Language takeaway.

M: Today on language takeaway we’re bringing you three words.

E: The first word is stood me up.

M: Stood me up.

E: Stood me up.

M: Stood me up.

E: The phrase stand someone up, when do we use this?

M: If, for example, you have a date and you don’t go.

E: Okay, so, let’s say you and I were supposed to have dinner together.

M: Right.

E: And you just didn’t come.

M: Right, and didn’t…

E: And didn’t call.

M: Right, so, I stood you up.

E: Yeah, okay.

M: Stand someone up.

E: Our next word – priorities.

M: Priorities.

E: Priorities.

M: So, priorities are something that’s really important in your life.

E: That’s right like family or maybe work or making a lot of money.

M: Hehe.

E: Or whatever it is.

M: Wh… What are your priorities in life? Right?

E: Right, yeah.

M: Okay. And our last word for language takeaway – heading.

E: Heading.

M: Heading.

E: Heading. This is a bit of a funny verb, so let’s listen to a couple of examples of how it’s

used, so we can understand its meaning.

Voice: Example one.

A: I don’t know where our relationship is heading.

Voice: Example two.

B: Where’s this bus heading?

Voice: Example three.

C: Where’s this project heading?

M: So, basically heading means going.

E: Exactly.

M: A heading is where you’re going.

E: Yep.

M: Okay, easy word and interesting.

E: Uhu.

M: Okay, so now it’s time for us to listen to the dialogue a second time. It’s gonna be

slower, so now we can understand the words that we just talked about.


M: Okay, now, we saw some interesting phrases in the dialogue.

E: Yeah, we saw some great phrases, uh, that people use when they’re getting in a fight.

M: Right. Why don’t we take a look at some of them in “fluency builder”?

Voice: Fluency builder.

M: The first phrase that I wanna take a look at today is do you have any idea.

E: Do you have any idea.

M: Do you have any idea.

E: This is a great way to set up an argument.

M: So, let’s listen to some examples of how you would set up an argument using this


Voice: Example one.

A: You forgot my birthday. Do you have any idea how angry I am?

Voice: Example two.

B: Julie kissed my boyfriend. Does she have any idea how mean that was?

Voice: Example three.

C: I just broke up with my boyfriend. Don’t you have any idea how sad I am?

M: So, it’s a great phrase to make that person understand that you’re really worried or…

E: Really angry.

M: Really angry.

E: Yeah, yeah.

M: Okay. Another second phrase that you can take a look at is I’ve heard it all before.

E: I heard it all before.

M: I’ve heard it all before.

E: I’ve heard it all before.

M: So, this is a great phrase of just saying “you don’t have to give me an excuse; I know

what you’re gonna say”.

E: Exactly.

M: And our last phrase today – take a break.

E: Take a break.

M: Take a break.

E: So, when a couple takes a break, they sort of… stop their relationship, right?

M: Right, they’re breaking up.

E: Yeah, but it’s… is it really like forever? Like, uh, a break up that lasts forever?

M: Not, well… maybe. It could be forever, but they’re saying let’s just take some time away

from each other…

E: Yeah.

M: For a couple of days or weeks…

E: Yeah-yeah.

M: And see what happens.

E: Yes, take a break.

M: Take a break. Okay, so, our happy couple is going to take a break.

E: Well, I guess they’re not that happy then, hey?

M: Yeah. Hehe. Okay, so, let’s listen to our dialogue again and then we’ll come back and

talk some more.


E: So, Marco, this phrase to take a break really reminds me of a Friends episode.

M: Yeah, that really famous Friends episode, when Ross and Rachel were on a break…

E: And…

M: And…

E: And Ross like went with another girl, right?

M: Yeah-yeah-yeah.

E: Yeah.

M: And then they definitely broke up after that.

E: Yeah.

M: So, that’s one of the key issues, right?

E: Right.

M: If you’re taking a break, can you start to date someone else?

E: I’ve got to agree with Rachel.

M: Hehe. Really?

E: Yeah. No, you can’t. You can’t.

M: You can’t?

E: Cause…

M: So, what’s the point of taking a break?

E: Just… you need some time away; you need some time to think.

M: But you’re not really broken up.

E: Exactly.

M: Hm, that’s convenient.

E: Hehe.

M: I don’t know. They were on a break, I agree with Ross.

E: Well…

M: Hehe.

E: You would, wouldn’t you?

M: Alright guys, we’re out of time today. I hope you enjoyed our lesson and be sure to

listen next time, because we will definitely have a part four of this.

E: Yes.

M: Coming out soon.

E: Yep.

M: And also come to our website at englishpod.com and leave all your questions and


E: Yeah, Marco and I are always happy to hear from you and we love answering your


M: Right, and maybe you can tell us what you think happens in the fourth part.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay, well, until then it’s…

E: Good bye!

M: Bye!

  • Sminear


    听友413289868 回复 @Sminear: 他的手机可能是静音,再说了办公室报了火警报,他可能是负责这个的,是他的责任。需要紧急疏散或者排查火源或者故障,火警报可不是小事,生命需要与时间赛跑。当然上面是我一家之言,但总之,不管什么时候事后都需要理性的去沟通。

  • 奋虫虫


  • 1868281skjy

    Stood sb up means 放某人鸽子

  • 司马行秋


  • 珍珠奶茶热衷者

    We're on a break!--Ross

    Miss英语笔记 回复 @珍珠奶茶热衷者: 哈哈哈经典台词

  • 1831612erth


    听友278537999 回复 @1831612erth: exactly hhahhhhhhh

  • uniquespirit

    Get ahold of someone,找到某人 Stood someone up,放某人鸽子 Where is(our relationship/this project) heading?,(我们的关系/这个项目)将要向什么方向发展? Have the decency to do sth,有礼貌的做…… Do you have any idea how……?,你到底知不知道……(责备的语气) Get your priority straight,明确你的优先事项 I've heard it all before,我早就听够了(你不要找借口了) Take a break,分手吧

  • 听友221326770


  • 1376295anrw

    Elementary ‐ I’m Sorry, I Love You III (B0036) A: Steven! Where have you been? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours! B: I... um... there was an emergency at work, so... A: I was waiting for you in the restaurant for three hours! And you didn’t even have the decency to call me! Do you have

  • HenryWang01
