

  • k4ocvjvof3l9t61b6woz

    Go on about=keep talking Fortune500 companies Implement=put into action Responsible Nationwide=a whole country Look after=take care of Oversee=supervice Quality control Under me = oversee others Look after and take care of Supervice=monitor

    k4ocvjvof3l9t61b6woz 回复 @k4ocvjvof3l9t61b6woz: Supervise

  • Doris_Zhang

    checking goods to make sure they are good enough to sell-quality control/working for me-under me look after or take care of complaints-handle complaints/make arrangements or plans for a group of people-corrdinate/watch and check-moniter/be in charge of sth.-supervise/make sure-in sure

    15993959bva 回复 @Doris_Zhang: ensure

  • jxy_1023

    lonslie 回复 @jxy_1023: nationwide不用分开写,它本身就是一个单词

  • 土豆和地瓜各一兜


  • Emma_n77

    His parents are always going on about money.

  • 听友448892287

    go on about implyment oversee quality control supervice Fortune 500 handle company regulation nationwide underme monitor

  • EnglishPodLearner
  • 听友224218736

    1.vp=vice president 2.fortune 500 compony 3.top gun pilot 4.iimplement 5.oversee supervise 6.nationwide 7.go on about 8.under me 9.qulity control

  • Harukooo

    Really enjoy the lesson and learn a lot