这10种朋友,一定要远离 - BRAINY DOSE

这10种朋友,一定要远离 - BRAINY DOSE


10 Types Of People You Need To Completely Avoid!

We are surrounded by all types of people. While no two individuals are the same, sadly, there are way too many people that can be classified as toxic. Even minimal interaction with toxic people can have a huge impact on performance and happiness. So, what can you do about it? Simple, Just try to stay away from these types of negative people, as much as you can!


Number 1 - Judgmental

Everyone has flaws, and when someone points them out, it can help you improve yourself. However, you should be able to recognize the difference between a person who expresses their concerns honestly and in a constructive manner, and those who use your weaknesses as an opportunity to attack you. If you know someone who is quick to point out and criticize your mistakes, but never seems to recognize your accomplishments, they’re the type of toxic person who is likely to eventually wear you down.


Number 2 - Envious

To envious people, the grass is always greener somewhere else. Even when something great happens to them, they don’t derive any satisfaction from it. This is because they measure their fortune against other people’s. And let’s face it, there’s always someone out there who’s doing better. Spending too much time around envious people is dangerous, because they teach you to trivialize your own accomplishments.


Number 3 - Needy

These are the people who just want to sit around all day and be served by others, so they don’t have to lift a finger. They want you to be there for them nonstop… and if you dare try to point out their wrong doings, they know how to make you feel guilty and ashamed. So if there’s someone in your life with similar traits, you should try to avoid them.






  • 英文原版读物

    需要远离的10种人: ①Judgmental 喜欢给出负面评价的人。 ②Envious 嫉妒心强的人。 ③Needy 贪得无厌之人。 ④Pessimists 悲观主义者。 ⑤Liars 谎话精。 ⑥Complainers 喜欢抱怨的人。 ⑦Drama Queens 戏精。 ⑧Gossipers 喜欢八卦的人。 ⑨Victims 受害者。 ⑩Manipulators 控制狂。

    湖北谢忠祥 回复 @英文原版读物: 怎么获得完整的演讲稿

  • 沉迷学习的加菲猫


    英文原版读物 回复 @沉迷学习的加菲猫: 扎心了😂

  • 是阿玖哎


    英文原版读物 回复 @是阿玖哎: I agree

  • 黑夜的羊驼


    阳台的小茉莉 回复 @黑夜的羊驼: 不能

  • 下卜上

    对于以上10类特征,我觉得自己都沾染了一点点吧 谢谢主播的播放。

    匆匆个啥 回复 @下卜上: 我也是弄得我自己都不敢和我自己交朋友了

  • 浔仁


    yuchting 回复 @浔仁: because the pod caster want you to follow his webchat pub channel.

  • 一方苍穹


  • _Mr丶ray

    每天坚持听China daily能不能提高四级听力。

    叮咚_88 回复 @_Mr丶ray: 可以

  • 晓穜Maria

    We are surrounded by all types of people. While no two individual are the same, sadly, there are way toomany people that can be classified as toxic. Even minimal interaction with toxic people can have a huge impact on performance and happiness. 我们需要学会选择朋友,找到属于自己的闺蜜,好友。不能盲目地交友,要有理性思维,一定要理智。

  • 俍夜

    需要远离的10种人: ①Judgmental 喜欢给出负面评价的人。 ②Envious 嫉妒心强的人。 ③Needy 贪得无厌之人。 ④Pessimists 悲观主义者。 ⑤Liars 谎话精。 ⑥Complainers 喜欢抱怨的人。 ⑦Drama Queens 戏精。 ⑧Gossipers 喜欢八卦的人。 ⑨Victims 受害者。 ⑩Manipulators 控制狂。