058 Level 2 谈论名人-跟读版

058 Level 2 谈论名人-跟读版


1. Celebrities are supposed to be role models that the younger generation looks up to. 名人应该是年轻人学习的榜样。

2.The hit single Baby brought Justine Bieber international stardom. 


3. Fame is a magnifying glass which does not change who you are. It only shows who you already are. 名气就好比是一面放大镜。它并不能改变一个人。它只是让你原形毕露。

4. This might come as a surprise to many, but lots of celebrities suffer from anxiety and depression. 很多人可能会感到意外,但是许多的名人都饱受抑郁和焦虑的折磨。

5. Doing Broke Back Mountain really opened me to a whole different fan base.  出演《断背山》这部影片使得我有了完全不同的粉丝群体。

6. You wont believe whom I just bumped into at the airport this morning!  你绝对猜不着我今天早上在机场撞见谁了?

7. Its almost impossible to find a celebrity without any scandals.


8. My life-long crush is Stevie Wonder. His life story has always been an inspiration to me. 我这一辈子最大的偶像就是史蒂夫旺达(美国黑人歌手,先天双目失明)。他的故事一直激励着我。

9. Celebrities are always being bombarded by the paparazzi. 名人们每天都会被狗仔队围追堵截。

10. Many celebrities dedicate themselves to charity. Thats why people respect them. 很多名人都致力于慈善事业。因此而赢得了更多人的敬重。

