


M: Hello everyone! And welcome back to another great lesson with EnglishPod! My name

is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: Erica, today we have a great intermediate lesson.

E: That’s right, we’ve got a lesson about love…

M: About love?

E: And about apologizing.

M: Uh, okay, love and apologizing.

E: They go together.

M: Yes, they do, if… especially if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, right?

E: That’s true.

M: Hehe. Okay, so, why don’t we start by looking at our “vocabulary preview”?

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

E: In today’s vocabulary preview we will learn two important words from our dialogue.

What’s the first word?

M: Knock over.

E: Knock over.

M: Knock over.

E: Knock over.

M: So, that’s a really simple one, when you knock something over…

E: You make it fall down.

M: Make it fall down.

E: Yep, speaking of knocking things over, this morning I knocked over my coffee cup all

over my desk.

M: Yeah, I saw that.

E: Yeah.

M: You almost ruined our lesson plan for today.

E: Yes, I did. It was all over the place.

M: Hehe. Okay, let’s look at our second word – explode.

E: Explode.

M: Explode.

E: Explode.

M: So, when something explodes, this is what happens.

Sound of an explosion.

E: Alright, that’s pretty clear.

M: Hehe. That’s more than clear I think. So, now we’ve looked at our two vocabulary

preview words for this dialogue and we are ready to listen to it for the first time.


E: I love happy endings.

M: Hehe. Such a romantic dialogue.

E: Yeah, this guy, oh my God, he is amazing! I would love to meet a guy like that.

M: Like that? Like crashing into you?

E: Maybe not LIKE that.

M: Hehe.

E: Okay, well, I think it’s time to, uh, look at some of the language in this dialogue. Let’s

start with our “language takeaway”.

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: Today we have three important words from our dialogue that we will learn for our

language takeaway. The first word is familiar.

M: Familiar.

E: Familiar.

M: Familiar.

E: This one I think is a little bit hard to explain.

M: Yeah, so, let’s listen to some examples on how we use familiar.

Voice: Example one.

A: Norman Clark, that name sounds familiar. Where have I heard it before?

Voice: Example two.

B: Do you know where we are?

C: I have no idea. Nothing looks familiar, I think we’re lost.

Voice: Example three.

D: You look really familiar. Did we go to high school together?

E: So, when something’s familiar, you think you know it, but you’re not exactly sure.

M: Exactly, familiar.

E: Okay, our next word is…

M: Place.

E: Place.

M: Place.

E: Aaron’s place.

M: Exactly, so, when we refer to place, we refer to house.

E: Right, so, I can say “Hey, Marco, come over to my place for dinner tonight”.

M: Exactly, or I could say, um, “We’re having a party at my place tonight at eight”.

E: You might ask someone “How’s your new place?”

M: Right.

E: How’s your new apartment?

M: Exactly, that’s a good one.

E: Yeah.

M: So, place. It’s a house.

E: Right. Our final word today is…

M: Coincidence.

E: Coincidence.

M: Coincidence.

E: Coincidence.

M: So, again we have some great examples for you to understand how we use


Voice: Example one.

A: I’m going to Ney York this weekend.

B: What a coincidence? I am too.

Voice: Example two.

C: By coincidence, everyone in the room was named Alex.

Voice: Example three.

D: We met by pure coincidence. One day we ran into each other on our bikes and we’ve

been together ever since.

E: A coincidence is something that happens by chance, right?

M: Right, you didn’t plane it, it just happened.

E: Yeah, these funny little things happen all the time, I love it when these coincidences


M: Hehe. Yeah, they’re great. So, Erica, why don’t you tell us about a coincidence that’s

happened to you?

E: Well, uh, the other night I was having dinner, uh, in a restaurant and I looked up and I

saw my old professor…

M: Wow!

E: From university. 

M: Hehe.

E: I was such a coincidence, because here we are in Shanghai and I see my professor from


M: Hehe.

E: Having dinner at the table next to me. It was such a coincidence.

M: That is a coincidence.

E: Yeah.

M: Or has it ever happened to you that you’re thinking of someone and that person calls


E: That happens all the time.

M: Hehe. That’s a coincidence.

E: Yeah, yeah.

M: Okay, so, now that we have learned these three language takeaway words, we can listen

to our dialogue a second time, but this time it’s gonna be slower.


E: Well, that was much clearer, wasn’t it?

M: Yes, that was clearer and this brings us to “fluency builder”.

Voice: Fluency builder.

E: In today’s fluency builder we’re going to show you different ways of apologizing. It’s so

important to be able to apologize well, um, and fluently.

M: Exactly, and you also wanna say something different from “I’m sorry”.

E: Right.

M: So, that’s what we’re gonna show you today.

E: We heard some great expressions for “I’m sorry” in the dialogue. Let’s listen now.

Phrase 1: I’m so sorry; I feel terrible; please accept my apologies. I’m so sorry; I feel

terrible; please accept my apologies.

E: Yeah, I feel terrible, I say this one all the time.

M: Yeah, it’s a great way of saying “I’m sorry”. Now, also if you wanna say “I’m sorry”, you

also wanna tell the person that you made a mistake, right?

E: That’s true, and we did hear some wonderful expressions for “I made a mistake” in this


Phrase 2: I didn’t mean to knock you over; it was an accident. I didn’t mean to knock you

over; it was an accident.

E: Well, I didn’t mean to knock my coffee cup over this morning.

M: Exactly, it was an accident.

E: It was.

M: Hehe. Not on purpose, right?

E: Or so you think.

M: Hehe. Okay, so, all of these phrases are really useful and great for apologizing and

telling someone you made a mistake.

E: Well, it’s time for us to listen to our dialogue a third time. This time it’ll be at its normal

speed and I think you’ll be able to understand a little bit better.


M: Great dialogue and great music, right?

E: Wonderful music, who picked that, Marco?

M: Of course, me. I’m a romantic type, I love romantic music.

E: Really?

M: Yes.

E: Well, speaking of a romantic type, do you believe in love at first sight?

M: I… I kind of do.

E: Really?

M: I… I’d like to believe it. Yeah, well… If…

E: That surprises me.

M: Hehe. Well, I think the first time that you see someone it impresses you someway and

you feel attracted to that person.

E: Really?

M: Yeah, at least it’s the first feeling that you get that makes you want to talk to that

person or get to know that person.

E: I’m the exact opposite.

M: Really?

E: When I see somebody for the first time, my first impression is always wrong.

M: Uh, okay.

E: So, if I see someone and I like them at the beginning, in three weeks I’ll hate them.

M: Hehe.

E: And if I see someone and I hate… I don’t like them when I first meet them, I will… I’ll be

their best friend.

M: Uh, yeah, yeah.

E: So, love at first sight doesn’t work for me.

M: Hehe. I’m sure that our listeners have some stories at love at first sight. Maybe they met

their wives or their boyfriends in this way. 

E: I’d like to hear about it.

M: Me too, and if anybody knows the name of the songs we used, also be sure to post it

on the discussion board.

E: That’s right, our challenge for this week.

M: Our challenge for this lesson.

E: Yeah.

M: So, that’s all for today everyone, but be sure to go to our website at englishpod.com,

and as we said leave all your comments, your stories and see if you know the name of the


E: Okay, well, thanks for listening everyone, and until next time… Good bye!

M: Bye!

  • 申子言

    # love and apologizing 1. knock over = make it fall down =撞倒了 2. explode 爆炸了 3. it is more clear I think. 4. coincidence. what a coincidence. /by chance./ 5. crash into you 6. familiar 7. place = house Have dinner in my place. 8. I didn't mean to = not on purpose 9. cancel my appointment. 10. I feel terrible. 11.discussion board

    申子言 回复 @申子言: I really didn’t mean to

  • littlemango0221

    第一首是Carpenters的close to you

    听友330594494 回复 @littlemango0221: 谢谢谢谢!

  • pisco_it


  • Inwinter

    第二首是sea of love

  • Ariseisavampire


  • 0512Justin

    wow 这个男音吼吼听~

  • 七七_77tjx


  • 活水life


  • 酱心融创DIY

    romance romantic story and music

  • 听友238093306
