053 Level 2 谈论工作-跟读版

053 Level 2 谈论工作-跟读版


 1. I am in sales with a large pharmaceutical company. 我在一家大型制药公司做销售。

2. I work for an international electronics company which makes tablet computers. 我就职于一家生产平板电脑的国际电子设备公司。

3. I am currently the accountant for a large firm, and I handle tax issues for our larger clients. 我现在是一家大公司的会计,负责大客户的税务相关业务。

4. Before coming to HP, I was at IBM for three years. 在来惠普之前,我在IBM工作了三年。

5. I spent ten years with Bosch in Frankfurt. 我在法兰克福博世工作了10年。

6. I’m taking some time out to travel/to recover from an illness. 我正挤出一些时间旅游/我需要些时间恢复身体健康。

7. I find my job exhausting/mind-numbing/soul-crushing/rewarding/challenging/stimulating


8. I am responsible for collecting data and coming up with new ideas. 我负责收集信息数据和创意。

9. I love my job and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 我超级喜欢我的工作。(拿什么我都不会换)

10. I used to think flying F-16 jets was the coolest job in the whole world. 我曾经以为驾驶F-16战机是世界上最酷的职业。

