052 Level 2 升职加薪-跟读版

052 Level 2 升职加薪-跟读版


1. Dont be afraid to ask for a promotion because most arent getting paid what theyre worth. 不要畏惧提升职,因为每个人的薪水都和他的价值不符的。

2. I think I am ready to take on more responsibilities.


3. I think my contribution to this company has been undervalued. 我觉得自己对公司的贡献被严重低估了。

4. Promotions in this company are based on contributions rather than loyalty or longevity. 本公司晋升标准是基于贡献而非忠诚度或者是资历。

5. I think I deserve a raise because I am usually the first to come and the last to go. 我觉得我应该加薪了。以为明天我都是头一个到,最后一个走。

6. Always put yourself in your manager’s shoes if you want him to recognize your efforts. 如果你想老板认可您的努力,那就要学会从他的角度去思考问题。

7.Timing is everything when it comes to asking for a raise or promotion. Never ambush your boss.  


8. I wish I knew what more I could do to get a promotion! 真是希望我知道为了加薪我还能做什么。

9. I am the kind of guy who sticks to his guns. I am not going to butter my boss up to get a promotion. 我是那种有自己原则的人。我不会为了升职可以巴结老板。

10. Always have a plan B. Try not to walk away empty handed! 确保有一个备选方案。不要空手而归。徒劳而返。

  • 流落北国的江大青年


    英语听说名师Derek 回复 @流落北国的江大青年: 你的肯定,是我们进步的动力