


No. I don't have any of these habits. I believe they are
harmful to a person's health. I am a strict vegetarian, eating mostly green leafy vegetables.我没有这些习惯。我认为抽烟喝酒对身体有害。我是一个严格的素食主义这,支持绿色蔬菜。
Please can you tell me about your family? How many
siblings do you have'? How about your parents? Are
they all in good health? Is there any specific illness
that runs in your family?你们告诉我你的家庭成员吗,你有几个兄弟姐妹,你父母身体怎样,他们身体都好吧?你家族及有没有什么疾病
I come from a bjg family. I have 3 brothers and 2
sisters. I am the youngest of them all. All of my
siblings are healthy and fit. My father is a newly
diagnosed diabetic. My mother has hypertension. She is on antihypertensive meds. There are no illnesses that runs in the family. 我来自一个大家庭。我有三个哥哥两个姐姐,我是最小的那个。我兄弟姐妹身体都好。我父亲最近诊断了糖尿病。我母亲有高血压,她正在吃降压药。家族里没有什么疾病。
Thank you. Now I would like to begin with physical
exam before proceeding with any further tests. Is it
okay if you come with me to the exam room so I can
perform the exam with the assistance of my nurse?
Could you come with me please.谢谢,在做进一步检查之前,我需要给你做体格检查。你是否愿意跟我去检查室,我和我的助手给你做检查。请跟我来
P: Yes doctor. No problem.好的没问题,医生
  • SLotuslotus


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