You are a perfect reflection of the choices you have made. If you want better results, make better choices.
We often find ourselves in situations in life where we look around and say: Oh my god, that can’t be a coincidence. You know those scenarios where someone you know does something bad and a year later they have the same exact thing happen to them?
Or how the most giving and caring people around you also seem to be the happiest and tend to receive most as well? Our universe is governed by the law of cause and effect, or the law of karma. And in a nutshell it states that what goes around comes around.
That your intent and your actions as a human being is what directly creates the experiences that you go through. That there is no good deed that goes unrewarded and no evil deed that goes unpunished.
I want a better choice!
If you want better choices,make better choices.
May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.