今天来听听为什么这游戏叫“吃鸡” 同时了解“Winner Winner Chicken Dinner” 这句话的来源
Key Vocabulary
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner 大吉大利 今晚吃鸡
Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯
Casino 赌场
Make a bet 押注
Blackjack 二十一点
Origin 来源
English Transcript 英文字幕
Today's topic is called "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner."
However, where did the phrase "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner" come from? Well I did some research online, and this is what I found:
The most common explanation that I could find, is that in the 1970s, when you went to Las Vegas, in the US, in the United States. So if you go to different casinos, they used to have games where when you make a bet, you could make a two (2) dollar bet. And two (2) dollars was around the same price for a meal. You could buy a piece of chicken, you could buy some vegetables, and maybe get a potato.
So, when you would win the dealer would say, "Aye you won, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!"
OK, so that's the origins for this phrase. And now I hope you know where it comes from. "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner." Alright I'll talk to you next time, later.