[详解] 英语四级单词磨耳朵(121-140)|每天打卡,跟我背单词

[详解] 英语四级单词磨耳朵(121-140)|每天打卡,跟我背单词



121.mild:/maɪld/ adj.(天气)温和的;和煦的【a mild climate 温和的气候 // a mild and sunny day 温和晴朗的一天 // It is a lovely, mild morning. 这是个迷人和煦的早晨。 // We had an exceptionally mild winter last year. 去年的冬天异常温和。】;和缓的;轻微的【He suffered a mild heart attack. 他轻度心脏病发作。// Some people may experience mild side effects. 有些人可能会有轻微的副作用。// I had some mild flu symptoms, so I stayed home. 我有一些轻微的流感症状,所以我呆在家里。// a mild case of food poisoning 轻度食物中毒 // a mild form of diabetes 轻度糖尿病】;(情感)温和的;不强烈的;轻微的【Both men looked at her in mild surprise. 两个人都有点惊讶地看着她。】;(食物或其味道)不浓烈的,淡的【I'd like to order the General Tso's chicken with mild spices. 我想点一份左宗棠鸡,配上淡淡的香料。】;(问题或情况)轻微的,不太严重的,不严峻的【The recession in Germany has been comparatively mild. 德国的经济衰退相对温和。// He can't accept even mild criticism at work. 他甚至不能接受工作中的轻微批评。// a mild setback 轻微的挫折】;(人)温和的;和善的;不严厉的【a mild, well-mannered man 温和、彬彬有礼的人 // a mild punishment 轻微的责罚】

122.flock:/flɒk/ n.羊群;鸟群;人群【a flock of flying birds  一群飞鸟 // A flock of sheep standing together.  站在一起的一群羊。 // The shepherd was on the hillside watching over his flock. 牧羊人在山坡上看守羊群。// The pilot had to take evasive measures to avoid the flock of birds. 飞行员不得不采取躲避措施以避开那群鸟。 // a flock of children 一群孩子】;v.聚集;蜂拥【People have been flocking to the exhibition. 人们蜂拥前去看展览。// Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。】

123.automatic:/ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk/ adj. (机器、装置等) 自动的【automatic transmission (机动车的)自动变速器 // My camera is fully automatic. 我的相机是全自动的。// Citizens carrying automatic weapons on the street is unheard of in Europe. 在欧洲,人们在街上携带自动武器是闻所未闻的。】;必然的,必然随之发生的;当然的;自然而然的【Littering results in an automatic fine. 乱扔垃圾必然会被罚款。// You get an automatic promotion after two years. 两年后你就会自动晋升。】;无意识的,不自觉的;不假思索的,机械的【My reaction was automatic. 我的反应是不由自主的。// Breathing is an automatic function of the body. 呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。// Over time, driving just becomes automatic. 时间长了,开车也就成了一个机械的过程。】;n. 自动变速汽车,自动换挡汽车【She drives an automatic. 她开的是一辆自动挡汽车。】

124.radius:/ˈreɪdiəs/ n. 半径(长度);半径距离;半径范围;周围【Search in a fifty yard radius from this point. 从这一点以50码为半径搜索。// We've expanded the search area beyond the initial five-mile radius.  我们已经将搜索范围扩大到最初的五英里半径以外。】

125.museum:/mjuːˈziəm/ n. 博物馆,博物院【the Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆 // The museum acquired this painting in 1956. 该博物馆于1956年获得了这幅画。// This picture always attracts visitors to the museum. 这幅画总是吸引游客来参观博物馆。】

126.average:/ˈævərɪdʒ/ adj. 平均的;平均数是,平均为【The average temperature in Ethiopia has increased by 1.3 degrees Celsius. 埃塞俄比亚的平均气温上升了1.3摄氏度。// The average cost of housing in London is so high most of the city's workers cannot live there. 伦敦的平均住房成本如此之高,大多数城市的工人都无法住在那里。// The age of the candidates ranged from 29 to 49 with an average age of 37. 候选人的年龄从29岁至49岁不等,平均年龄为37岁。// The cars were being sold at an average price of $11,000. 这些汽车的平均售价为11000美元。】;普通的;平常的;一般的【What does the average American look like? 普通美国人长什么样?// He was in his late twenties and of average height. 他二十几岁,中等身高。】;典型的;正常的【In an average week I drive about 250 miles. 我正常一周开车约250英里。 】;n. 平均数【The average of 3,8, and 10 is 7.  3、8和10的平均值是7。// Each person raised an average of £60 to plant an acre of trees. 每人平均筹集60英镑种植一英亩树木。// The December figures brought the annual average for 2001 up to 10.6 per cent. 12月份的数字使2001年的年均增长率达到10.6%。】;平均水平;一般水准【She's pretty smart. Her IQ is well above average. 她很聪明。她的智商远高于平均水平。// The school's eighth-graders are above average in science. 该校八年级学生的理科成绩高于平均水平。// The murder rate in the city has risen to four times the national average. 该市的谋杀率已上升到全国平均水平的四倍。】;v. 平均为【The water in the lake is not particularly deep, averaging about 12 metres. 湖水不是特别深,平均约12米。// The airport averages about a thousand flights a month. 该机场平均每月约有1000架次航班。// Inflation averaged just under 2.8% per year. 通货膨胀率平均每年略低于2.8%。】;计算出…的平均数【The rate of growth was averaged over a period of three years. 三年期间的平均增长率。】

127.ending: /ˈendɪŋ/ n. (故事、电影等的)结尾,结局;结束;终结;最后部分【A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 一个坏的开始导致一个坏的结局。// That film was so depressing! There was no happy ending for any of the characters. 那部电影太令人沮丧了!所有的角色都没有好结果。// Do not give away the ending of the book!  不要泄露这本书的结尾!】

128.horizontal:/ˌhɒrəˈzɒntl/,/ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl/ adj. 水平的;与地面(或底边、顶边)平行的;横的【a horizontal surface 水平表面 // Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page. 在本页底部画一条水平线。// Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised. 让病人平躺,双脚略微抬高。】;n. 水平线;水平面;水平位置【Rotate it slowly from the horizontal into a vertical position. 慢慢将它从水平位置旋转到垂直位置。】 

129.wrap:/ræp/ v. (用纸、布或其他材料)包,裹;用…包裹;用…覆盖【The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper. 礼物用金纸包得很漂亮。// Ella wrapped a thick coat around her shoulders. 埃拉把一件厚外套裹在肩上。// He wrapped a bandage around my injured wrist. 他用绷带包扎我受伤的手腕。// His arms were wrapped around her waist. 他的双臂环抱她的腰。】;wrap my head around something:无法理解某事,不明白某事【Kate is willing to pay full price for an expensive handbag, but I just can't wrap my head around that. Kate愿意花全价买一个昂贵的手提包,我实在无法理解此事。// I can't wrap my head around her behavior. 我无法理解她的行为。】;n.  包裹(或包装)材料

130.stove:/stəʊv/ n. 炉子,火炉【Two big pots on the stove. 炉子上有两个大锅。 // She got out some eggs and heated a pan on the stove. 她拿出一些鸡蛋,在炉子上加热一个平底锅。】

131.stocking:/ˈstɔkiŋ/ n. 长筒袜

132. concise:/kənˈsaɪs/ adj. 简明的;简练的;简洁的【Your summary should be as clear and concise as possible. 你的总结应该尽可能清晰简洁。】; (书籍) 简略的;简缩的;简明的【the ‘Concise Dictionary of Spoken Chinese’ 《简明汉语口语词典》// Make your answers clear and concise. 回答要言简意赅。】

133.blast:/blɑːst/ v.炸毁;爆破【The plane was blasted out of the sky by a terrorist bomb. 飞机被恐怖分子的炸弹炸飞了。// The first shot missed and blasted a hole in the far wall. 第一枪打偏了,在远处的墙上炸了一个洞。 】;产生巨大噪声;发出刺耳声【Dance music blasted from the stereo. 从立体声音响里传出的舞曲。】;抨击,严厉批评【Union leaders blasted the government for failing to tackle the jobs crisis. 工会领袖抨击政府未能解决就业危机。】;n.爆炸;爆破【atomic bomb blast 原子弹爆炸 // The blast tore a hole in the wall. 爆破在墙上炸开了个洞。// This house was damaged in the blast. 这所房子在爆炸中受损。】;疾风,狂风;一阵强劲的气流【A blast of cold air swept through the hut. 一阵冷空气吹过小屋。】;(突然发出的)响声【The station master gave a blast on his whistle and we were off. 站长吹了一声口哨,我们就出发了。】;喧嚣的聚会;狂欢【You should have come with us last night - we had a real blast! 昨天晚上你真该跟我们一起来,我们痛快地狂欢了一场!】

134.taste:/teɪst/ n. 味道;滋味【It leaves a bad taste in your mouth. 它会在你的嘴里留下不好的味道。// The medicine had a slightly bitter taste. 这药有点苦。// I don't really like the taste of meat anymore. 我真的不再喜欢肉的味道了。】;味觉【Some birds have a highly developed sense of taste. 有些鸟有高度发达的味觉。】;少许尝的东西;一口;一点儿【Just have a taste of this cheese. 尝一点儿这种奶酪吧。 】;(个人的)兴趣,爱好【He asked about my taste in music. 他问了些关于我对音乐的喜好。// While she was in France she developed a taste for fine wines. 在法国期间,她对美酒产生了兴趣。// He is not a man to our taste. 他不符合我们的口味。(他不是我们的菜。)】;鉴赏力;欣赏力;审美力;品位【She always dressed with good taste. 她总是穿着得体。// She has such good taste. 她很有品味。// Some people have really bad taste in clothes. 有些人的衣品很差。】;体验;尝试【It gave him his first taste of acting for the big screen. 这是他第一次尝试在大银幕上表演。】;v. 尝…的味道;吃起来好吃/难吃/甜(等等)【Mmm! This tastes good! 嗯!这味道真好!// The food tasted better than it looked. 这食物比看起来的好吃。// These plums will taste better when they are ripe.  这些李子成熟后味道会更好。】;(常与can或could连用) 尝出,品出(食品或饮料的味道)【Can you taste the difference? 你能尝出不同吗?// It was like nothing I'd ever tasted before. 这跟我以前尝过的都不一样。/ 这是我以前从未尝过的东西。】

135.tone:/təʊn/ n.语气;口气;腔调;口吻【People resented his imperious tone of voice. 人们讨厌他专横的语气。// His tone was by turns angry and aggrieved. 他的语气时而透着愤怒,时而流露出哀怨。// 'You must be Annie,' he said in a friendly tone.  “你一定是安妮,”他友好地说。// It was obvious from her tone of voice that she didn’t like me. 从她的语气可以明显看出她不喜欢我。// Don't speak to me in that tone of voice (= angrily), young lady! 小姐,别用那种语气跟我说话!】;风格;特色;气氛;情调【He was in a very bad mood when he arrived, and that set the tone for the whole meeting. 他到的时候情绪很不好,这就决定了整个会议的气氛。】;色调【Perhaps a darker tone would be better. 也许深色调会好些。】;(尤指肌肉的)坚实,结实【The fitness trainer showed them a series of exercises for improving their muscle tone. 健身教练向他们展示了一系列改善肌肉结实度的练习。】;音色;音质【the guitar's clean tone 吉他清脆的音色】;电话音【Please leave a message after the tone. 请在铃声后留言。// I've called him several times but I keep getting the engaged tone. 我已经给他打了几次电话,但每次听到的都是忙音。】;v.(通常通过锻炼)使(身体部位)更强健 = tone up【Exercise can strengthen and tone muscles. 运动可以增强和强健肌肉。// He began to use weights in order to tone up his body. 他开始用举重来锻炼身体。】

136. dynamic:/daɪˈnæmɪk/ adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的;个性强的【dynamic and ambitious people 充满活力和雄心勃勃的人 // We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries. 我们需要大力发展与其他国家的贸易。】;(过程)动态的;发展变化的【a dynamic and unstable process 一个动态且不稳定的过程 // The different varieties of the language are in a dynamic relationship with each other.  不同种类的语言之间存在着动态发展的关系。// The situation is dynamic and may change at any time. 局势不稳定,可能随时发生变化。】;力的;动力的【a dynamic force 动力】

137.pit:/pɪt/ n. 深洞;深坑(尤指挖出来的坑)【The female digs a pit in which to lay the eggs. 雌性挖出一个坑来产卵。// a five-foot deep pit 五英尺深的坑】;矿道,矿井【Dad first went down the pit (=worked in a coal mine) when he was 15 years old. 父亲15岁时第一次下矿井。// a national strike against pit closures 反对关闭矿井的全国性罢工】;(皮肤上的)麻子;痘瘢【the deep pits left by smallpox 天花留下的深瘢 <smallpox /ˈsmɔːlpɒks/ 天花>】;v. 使…表面有斑点;在…上打洞【Smallpox scars had pitted his face. 他满脸是麻子。// The surface of the moon is pitted with craters. 月亮的表面布满陨石坑。】

138.remove:/rɪˈmuːv/ v. 移开;拿开;去掉;从…机构开除【Reference books may not be removed from the library. 不得从图书馆拿走参考书。<=take away> // Remove it from the attic. 把它从阁楼上拿走。// I have to remove the lock cylinder.  我得拆下锁芯。】;去除,排除(污渍、不愉快的事物等);使消失【a cleaner that will remove wine stains 能清除酒渍的清洁剂 // The college removed rules that prevented women from enrolling. 学院取消了禁止女性入学的规定。<= get rid of> // Dehumidifiers are machines that are used to remove moisture from the air in a damp room. 除湿机是用来去除潮湿房间空气中水分的机器。// In the old days people used blotting paper to remove excess ink when writing. 在过去,人们写字时用吸墨纸去除多余的墨水。// My father had keyhole surgery to remove a small tumour on his liver. 我父亲做了微创手术,切除了肝脏上的一个小肿瘤。<keyhole surgery 微创手术>】;免除,解除(职务等)【Congress could remove the president from office. 国会可以罢免总统。】;脱去(衣服等);摘下【He removed his hat and gloves. 他脱下帽子和手套。// She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. 她摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛。】<在日常英语中,脱下衣服,比起remove, 人们更常用 take off, 如:Is it OK if I take my coat off?>;n. 距离;差距;间距【She is always at a remove from people. 她总是与人疏远。】

139.reservoir:/ˈrezəvwɑːr/  'reservoir'来源于法语的'réservoir',意为“储备”。'reservoir'一词指的是储存大量水的地方。n.水库;蓄水池【Water is piped from the reservoir to the city. 水用管子从水库输送到城市。】;(大量的)储备,储藏;宝库【She found she had reservoirs of unexpected strength. 她发现自己拥有意想不到的力量。// The universities constitute a reservoir of expert knowledge. 大学是专业知识的宝库。】

140.communication:/kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 表达;交流;沟通;交际;传递;传达;传播;通讯【face-to-face communication 面对面沟通 // communication skills 沟通技巧 // mass communication 大众传播,大众传媒,传播学 // electronic communication 电子通信;电子通讯;电子信息 // Good communication is vital in a large organization. 良好的沟通在大型组织中至关重要。// Abbreviations may reduce time and effort in communication processes. 缩写可以减少沟通过程中的时间和精力。// Radio was the pilot's only means of communication. 无线电是飞行员唯一的通信手段。// There's a serious lack of communication in this company. Nobody knows what they're doing. 这家公司严重缺乏沟通。没人知道他们在做什么。 // There has been a breakdown in communication (=failure to communicate). 通信中断了。】;信息,消息;信件【a communication from the Ministry of Defence 国防部的来信】

  • 南方西施

    笑死 果fu 福建人果然是fafafafa的笑

    峻卿先生 回复 @南方西施: hu你能听成fu,这个听力四级不用考了

  • 宋雨琦粉


    峻卿先生 回复 @宋雨琦粉: 这个专辑的剪辑有点长,容易疲劳,建议改听我另一个四级详解版的专辑,或者到我公众号‘跟我背单词’上跟进。每集5-10分钟。

  • 听友394499468


    峻卿先生 回复 @听友394499468: 怎么个乱法?

  • 我要学会放下

  • 自由泳舞者


    峻卿先生 回复 @自由泳舞者: 那请教应该怎么念你听了才不别扭呢?

  • 啦啦啦呜啦啦啦


  • vvv0903


  • 1399761hgfc


    峻卿先生 回复 @1399761hgfc: 谢谢,加油!

  • _梓沐沐s
