2月18日 英语:老奶奶在美直播做中餐 Videos offer taste of home

2月18日 英语:老奶奶在美直播做中餐 Videos offer taste of home


Videos offer taste of home

A food blogger in the US filmed her mom cooking traditional Chinese dishes and posted the videos to her Instagram account. Now, the 73-year-old Chinese mom is a viral star. First-, second- and third-generation immigrants across the country have rallied around the videos. 

In one of Lisa Lin's videos, Lan Lin stands in her tiny San Francisco kitchen, sporting a floral print apron and pink plastic slippers. As she cooks, she explains the recipe in Taishanese, the dialect she grew up speaking in Taishan, a city in South China's coastal Guangdong province. 

Lisa leans over her mother's shoulder, recording the video on her phone. Fans say they watch Lan's videos for a sense of belonging, a reminder of grandmothers still in China, dishes they have not eaten since childhood, recipes they never thought to learn before moving across the world.

Box to help you think 

With open offices being so popular these days and distractions pretty much everywhere you look, it can be difficult to find a personal space to gather your thoughts. But with the Thought Box, a $650 cardboard and fabric box that you put over your head, you can enjoy some personal place anywhere. 

The Thought Box is exactly what it sounds like – a box to help you think. Just have a seat on the included Thought Stool, put the box over your head and use the earplugs that come with it to detach from everything around you and just think. 

The Thought Box kit is made in Britain and consists of a cardboard and fabric box, an internal plastic helmet that can be adjusted to fit the user's head, ear plugs, and 5 interchangeable colored fabric filters to suit your mood. It also comes with a Thought Stool made from solid beech.

Morning larks are happier

Morning people have few problems springing out of bed bright and early to face the day. Now it has emerged they are less likely to suffer from depression and are generally happier too. A study has found morning "larks" are up to 35% less likely to suffer from depressive symptoms, based on their genes. 

These people, who are more likely to be older and female, also have better wellbeing. The silver lining for night owls is their "late riser" genes may also make them more intelligent, perhaps because they spend more time reading when they are up late. 

Scientists have discovered 327 new genetic regions which determine whether people are "larks" who get up early in the morning or "owls" with later bedtimes who naturally lie in for longer.

iPads for back to school 

Pupils returning to school are now more likely to get a new tablet device than a pencil case, a study has found. Researchers found that 55% of children are given a new iPad or similar device as they head back to school, compared to only 46% who get a new pencil case. Siobhan Freegard, founder of parenting site ChannelMum.com, said: "Back to school is a sign of the times, becoming more hi-tech each year. 

From uniforms to devices in lessons to after-school routines, parents, pupils and schools are using the best of the modern world to make learning fun and enjoyable. But while the fashions and food may change, the one thing that doesn't change about back to school is the excitement."

  • 1589330fyct


  • 眷眷浮客


  • 当临渊羡鱼


    当临渊羡鱼 回复 @当临渊羡鱼:

  • pennypan_26

    太快了 我们中国普通话也这么快?

    战歌成 回复 @pennypan_26: 这是正常语速 有慢速英语 我初学的时候听那个

  • ECHO_ur


  • 暴风雨骑士

    Silver lining for night owls应意译为银发,古稀老人吧。爱熬夜的银发一族。

    香甜好滋味 回复 @暴风雨骑士: 夜猫子的曙光

  • 当临渊羡鱼


    当临渊羡鱼 回复 @当临渊羡鱼: 按最火来排名

  • Vivifang


  • 舒畅幸福之路

    朱倬语男 中式烹饪高级技师,西餐高级餐饮策划运营研发师从厨多年,擅长川菜、湘菜、杭帮菜、淮扬菜,辽参、云南菜、野味、重庆火锅。创新融合菜:有丰富的工作经验。2015年厨师青年奖2017年获得中国名厨2018年获得中国十大名厨2018年获得国际烹饪艺术大师奖2018获得中国餐饮精英金奖尤擅墩炉,餐饮和厨政管理,烹饪教学,撰写烹饪专业文章能力名厨梦,是每个烹饪工作者的美好愿望。实现名厨价值,成就名厨梦想,弘扬中厨典范,记录名厨人物是我们的责任。也希望借此平台可以和广大同胞一起分享我们的创新和传统手艺。此为免费专辑,不得商用!为避免影响聆听效果,建议您下载保存,已供长期使用。

  • 漫漫心事
