Read A Lot of Books
You might wonder how exactly Jeff Bezos or Mark Cuban got so dang savvy. The answer is they read books. That's why they call it book smarts.
People forget about books, but they are absolutely crucial to gaining true knowledge on subjects; and as they say, knowledge is power. If you do not seek knowledge throughout your life, you will not find it. Watching educational YouTube videos and skimming internet articles can give you a quick fix, but nothing can ever replace a book.
People spend their whole lives researching something and then write a book about it. They truly understand it and by writing a book, they are telling you the most important parts about it with easily digestible information. What a gift!
If you have tried reading and you just can't, try audiobooks! According to research conducted by Thomas Corley for his book Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals, 65% of rich people claimed they listened to audiobooks on the way to work. On the contrary, only 5% of impoverished people claimed to do the same. There is a wealth of information out there for any one, you just have to take the time to absorb it.
如果你看书看不进去,可以尝试听音频书籍。作者Thomas Corley在他的书籍《成功的习惯》里做了一份研究,65%的成功人士在去公司的路上会收听音频书籍。相反,穷人里面只有5%的人这样做。书中自有黄金屋,你需要做的就是抽出一点时间去吸收书里面的精华。