Durian with butter flavor
A shopping center in the West Java city of Tasikmalaya, Indonesia, is selling the J-Queen variety of durian for 14 million rupiah apiece - dozens of times more expensive than a regular, run-of-the-mill supermarket version.
The J-Queen is a new durian hybrid, bred from several high quality varieties, according to its creator, a 32-year-old psychology student named Aka from the Indonesian Islamic University.
Aka says that his durian is so sought after - and pricey - because its tree only produces 20 fruit, every three years. In addition to its rarity, the taste of this particular durian is quite unique - a blend of peanuts and the flavor of butter.
Billboard ads in space
A Russian startup plans to launch billboard advertisements into low-Earth orbit as early as 2021. StartRocket announced plans to introduce orbital advertising billboards made up of a grid of tissue box-sized satellites called CubeSats.
These tiny satellites will orbit 400-500 kilometers above the Earth and use reflective Mylar sails around 9 meters in diameter to catch and reflect sunlight, creating a pixelated matrix.
The ads would only be visible at night but could be seen from just about anywhere on the planet. The company already has a CubeSat prototype, and could start testing its sky advertisements next year.
AI to replace teachers
Inspirational teachers of the future will be intelligent machines rather than humans, the vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham predicts. Within 10 years a technological revolution will sweep aside old notions of education and completely transform the education system, Sir Anthony Sheldon believes.
School teachers will lose their traditional role and become little more than classroom assistants. They will remain on hand to set up equipment, help children when necessary and maintain discipline, Sir Anthony said. However, the essential job of instilling knowledge into young minds will wholly be done by artificially intelligent (AI) computers, he said.
Everyone can have the very best teacher and it's completely personalized; the software you're working with will be with you throughout your education journey. In the AI classrooms, each child will progress at his or her own pace, said Sir Anthony.
Housework keeps you fit
Forget about going to the gym or signing up for yoga. New research suggests you can stay in shape by simply doing the housework. A study by the Good Housekeeping Institute found that dusting, mopping and cleaning the bathroom are all effective ways to burn calories without leaving the house.
Results showed that people burned an average of 600 calories doing just two hours of intense household chores - nearly double the 374 calories burned during a 5 km run - with window cleaning topping the list as the most taxing task.
People burn an average of 115 calories in just 20 minutes when they clean windows, according to the study. Mopping the floor came in second place with 107 calories burned while cleaning the bathroom burned 100 calories in 20 minutes - the equivalent to two KitKat fingers.
星学院__菲洛 回复 @1380308nyas: 我也是
这是正常老外的语速吖,声音很好听,很喜欢呢……建议跟不上的先可以调到1.25倍速听5遍,这5遍中听听有没有听懂的(可以从一个一个词开始,不要暂停呐)再调回来会好很多呢 一个小tip,至少它对我个人来说炒鸡有用啊一起加油
1865885vfkm 回复 @13929212fco: 点一下中间的图就能看到啦~
春风之和煦 回复 @yunah: 发明的人肯定不懂教育