





[ 英文参考 ] 
No.1 Actively plan for your days after your return. 
Maybe you can sit down with a piece of paper. This can be in a journal or a blank document on your computer--whatever works for you. 

List out what you need to get accomplished on your first day back, including any appointments or meetings you may have. 

What are your goals for the day? What assignments do you absolutely have to finish?

No.2 Adjust your sleep schedule ahead of time
Try to stick to your usual sleep schedule while on vacation. Staying on schedule can help make the transition back to your normal life a little easier.

Some people may go outside or even foreign countries to travel during their Spring Festival, and may experience jet lag after traveling. 

Consider coming back on Saturday instead of Sunday may help as well.

No.3 Begin planning your next vacation as soon as you get back!

Having another vacation on the horizon, (on the horizon除了在地平线上,还有几乎会很快发生的意思)even if it won't be a long vacation, it can help you adjust to being back at work or school.

Schedule an exciting activity for the upcoming weekend. If you’re returning on a Monday, you may need some inspiration to get you through the week. 

This will brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

No.4 Wear a new outfit the first day back. 
If you have purchased a spiffy new dress or handsome shirt, plan to wear it upon your return. Even if you wear something old, select some of your favorite pieces. Wearing new or exciting clothing can make you feel more confident and boost your performance at work.



  • TK1023

    每一期都认真听 有的时候会听好几遍 太治愈了 最喜欢的就是最后那句 新的一天又开始了 加油 💪

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @TK1023:

  • 桔子一瓣瓣


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @桔子一瓣瓣: 95差不多哈哈

    桔子一瓣瓣 回复 @桔子一瓣瓣: 原来只有我才是中年人!

    桔子一瓣瓣 回复 @桔子一瓣瓣: 才95?

  • 桔子一瓣瓣


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @桔子一瓣瓣: 足疗什么的😂

  • 角落_h7

    so you are twelve this year?

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @角落_h7:

  • 全幼儿园最帅哒


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @全幼儿园最帅哒: 好好练每个人都可以的~ 敢于表达就好

  • 阿狸辽

    Zoey 姐姐,我也要努力,放手一搏 30号我们就开学了,中考加油~\(≧▽≦)/~

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @阿狸辽: 加油加油