【商务版| 和Emily一起练口语】You have my word

【商务版| 和Emily一起练口语】You have my word


A: Do you think you could do me a favor with this prize?


B: Oh, of course......You know, normally we retail that for $29, but since you are such a good customer of ours, we will give you a discount. How's about 3% off? That's a higher discount than I give almost all of our customers.


A: Thanks! Does it come with insurance?


B: I'm sorry, I really wish I could do that for you, but our policy is to sell it without the insurance. If you would like to purchase that separately, I can give you a real deal on it. 


A: That's okay. I'd like to look at some of the different models.


B: Oh! Yes. Take a look at this one. This is not usually available, we keep it behind the counter because it is limited edition. Of course, I know you're such a good friend, so I can let you have it at base rate. 


A: Does it have a guarantee?


B: For you, I'll guarantee it personally! You have my word on it. 


  • mengzaiyuanfang

    第一句中价格应该是price而不是prize吧?还有"How's about⋯?"应该是"How about⋯吧?

    Cmywaitingnk 回复 @mengzaiyuanfang: 嗯嗯,是你说的那样。

  • Firefly_95

    I’m sorry. I don’t mean it. You have my word. I won’t do it again. / The work will be finished by the end of this week. You have my word. /I give you my word. I’ll go.

  • 汐月不在家


    要考证学英语的娃娃 回复 @汐月不在家: 我也觉得

  • SummerYu1126

    W 不是读double u吗

    Cmywaitingnk 回复 @SummerYu1126: l#ˈdʌbljuːr#     l#ˈdʌbljuːr# W的读音近似“double u". 【u】的发音是“由”;所以读“大波油”是比较正确的。。。。 我也不会读,我百度的

  • boom_0x

    I’m sorry. I don’t mean it. You have my word. I won’t do it again. / The work will be finished by the end of this week. You have my word. /I give you my word. I’ll go.

  • 小鱼儿要挺住


    执着爱520 回复 @小鱼儿要挺住:

  • Emma_iw4

    i really wish i could do that for you

  • 笑一笑_十年少_在北京


    听友258665646 回复 @笑一笑_十年少_在北京: 你牛逼……

  • 艾雅999

    能免费学习是件很开心的事情,我们 学习主播的优点,一些小的瑕疵可以忽略不计,Emilly很有大爱,喜欢你,谢谢你

    听友258665646 回复 @艾雅999: me too

  • 1853431dkjn
