【Welcome Speech 】:Why did I learn positive discipline

【Welcome Speech 】:Why did I learn positive discipline


Jane:  NIhao! Himalaya listeners,this is doctor Jane Nelsen, the author of the positive discipline books. AndI’m here with……

Marry: her daughter, her youngest daughter, Mary Nelsen.


Jane: I am the mother of seven children. When I call my before, during and after children, the two that were raised before I even learned about positive discipline, the three that were raised while I was learning positive discipline. And the two that came after I learned positive discipline.


And so now one of my greatest joys is that Mary, my youngest child, who was raised with positive discipline, is now practicing positive discipline with her three children. And as a therapist and as a co-author of a book we were able to write together. And I’m really looking forward to being able to do these lessons with Mary.


Marry: Thank you everyone for listening. And it is my honour and privilege to be working so closely with my mother. As a child raised by positive discipline and what I have learned in China, that they refer to me as a P.D. baby.


I didn't really appreciate all of the tools and all of the principles and experiences that I had as the daughter of the author of the positive discipline series. It wasn't until I became an adult myself that I realized that many of the tools that I had learned and was completely fluent in were  not fluent to all of my colleagues and friends after leaving high to high school and going to college. I have really appreciated these tools now more than ever, because I’m a mother of three young boys who remind me every single day that there's no such thing as a perfect parent.


And even as Jane Nelsen's daughter, I’m also a licensed marriage and family therapist in San Diego. I'm a positive discipline parent trainer and educator. I am honoured and privileged to be the co-author of the new parenting tool book with both my mom and brother Brad, as well as a popular speaker and trainer throughout China. It's been a real experience and a real honour to share with so many eager parents in China that are wanting to learn different ways to raise their children, to be confident and respectful and to really just have a mutual and loving respectful relationship with their children.


And I have learned that when I don't practice positive discipline tools or when I get stuck in perfect parenting moment, parenting can be really really hard. And when I go back to the principles and the tools that I’ve been raised with, the foundation that I know so well, I have really found that the experience of being a parent is so much more enjoyable. So as a child that was raised with these tools. And now as a mother who is raising her children with these tools, I can say that my relationship with my mother is closer than any other relationship I’ve ever experienced.


And I’m learning more and more that it's not common. And that is a true testimony. If you want aloving, healthy, respectful relationship even into the adult years with your child, these tools really build that connection. And it really builds the foundation that you want with your child and the relationship that you're going to have for the future. So please continue to tune in and listen as we share the tools that we know and the experiences that we've had using these tools and the principles behind these tools.


Jane: And Mary said there is no such thing as a perfect parent. And she will certainly be able to show stories about when I was not a perfect parent. In fact, you can look forward to the time when I called her a spoiled brat. But because of these tools, as Mary also said, when we make mistakes, they don't last forever because we can realize we made a mistake. We can go back to one of the tools and make up for the mistake and create a relationship that was better than if we hadn't made the mistake in the first place.


So that is one of theprimary tools that we are going to learn about is that mistakes are opportunities to learn. This is a great thing to teach your children as well as to know yourself that what you learn will not make you a perfect parent. It will not make your children perfect, but you will learn the tools to correct your mistakes, to teach great lessons that couldn't be learned without the mistakes and end up with a very loving relationship.


Marry: And to actually enjoy parenting, I think that I havehad that common theme with every parent that I have met. We all want to be great parents.


And unless you have,you know, continue to read the books as your child grows or continue to take parenting classes or parenting education, which is not as common until we are in the struggle and experiencing the challenges with our children that we realize,this is not easy and it's really important. It's a really important job and it can be really fun and enjoyable to have these tools in your tool belt or in your box, and enjoy parenting along the way. We look forward to sharing more with you. And until then, bye bye.

要做完美父母,除非你在孩子成长的同时持续地学习育儿课程,而这是很少见的。直到我们陷入困境、经历着教育孩子的各种挑战而开始学习时,我们才意识到,我的天哪,原来做好父母其实很简单。所以,在你的育儿经中增加正面管教这一项,是一个非常重要的事情,而且在此过程中可以享受为人父母。 我们期待在未来与你分享更多。再见。

Jane: Bye bye.


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