The saying goes “the early bird catches the worm”, and this couldn’t be more true as a 5 year study by Thomas Corley has shown that 50% of self-made millionaires wake up at least 3 hours before they go to work. Many of these millionaires use the extra hours in order to workout, plan their days, so they are more efficient, and to brainstorm new ideas. People on the poorer end of the spectrum have a tendency to sleep until the last minute and go into their days less prepared.
俗话说,“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”,这真是无比正确。Thomas Corley的一项为期五年的研究表明,50%的白手起家的百万富翁至少会在他们去工作之前3小时起床。这些百万富翁中的大部分人都会利用这段时间进行锻炼,制定当天的计划,因而,他们效率更高,并时常想出一些金点子。而穷人们大多倾向于睡懒觉,不到最后一分钟不起床,他们每天都浑浑噩噩的。
Also, forcing yourself to wake up when you don’t want to can have the added benefit of giving you more energy, as having a strict and consistent regimen allows your body to function at a higher capacity. Consistently waking up early allows you to take charge of your day, just think of an alarm clock as the bell in a boxing match.
However, a lot of poor people don’t have the option of waking up early as they are forced to work long hours, night shifts, and shifts that constantly fluctuate making it harder for them to lock into a healthy circadian rhythm.
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