



Chinese Achievement



Easy Earthquake



Instagram Champion





Chinese Achievement


A Chinese experiment has successfully grown cotton on the dark side of the moon.


Experiment 实验

Cotton 棉花

Dark side of the moon 月球的黑暗面 weird 


A biological experiment on the moon has borne fruit: a cotton plant has sprouted inside China’s Chang’e-4 lunar lander.


Biological experiment 生物学实验

Bear fruit 结果

Cotton 棉花

Sprout 萌发、苗

Lunar 月亮的

Lander “落地器”


Scientists from Chongqing University designed a container with air, soil, water, and seeds. So far, only the cotton seeds have come up.


Design 设计

Container 容器


Seed 种子

So far 目前为止

Come up 长出来(植物)


This is the first time humans have done biological experiments on the lunar surface, and is a big step in China’s quest to become a space superpower.


Humans 人类

A big step 一大步

Quest 任务(有点冒险的感觉)

Space 外太空

Superpower 超级强国



Easy Earthquake


A 4.7 magnitude earthquake happened in open waters 136 miles off the coast of Maryland.


4.7 magnitude earthquake = 4.7震级地震

Open waters 大海中

Coast 海岸

Maryland 马里兰州


By the time the waves of force traveled through the water and hit the land, they had already been significantly weakened.


By the time (XXX) 到了XXX的时候


Force 力量

Significantly 大量



No casualties or structural damage has been reported.


Casualty 伤者

Structure 机构、建筑

Damage 损失、损害



Instagram Champion


A new record for Instagram “likes” has been set by a simple, unassuming egg that got over 30 million likes.


Record 记录

Like 点赞


Unassuming 低调


A Londoner posted a picture of the egg as an experiment to see if they could set the record with something as simple as possible.


Londoner 伦敦人

Post 发帖

Experiment 实验

As (...) as (...) 极致的(...)


”Let's set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram, beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this.“


Current 目前的

Record holder 记录创造者

We got this 我们一定可以

  • 境由心生喜乐


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @境由心生喜乐: 加微信吧,下次直播的话会提前通知:JoshShuhua

  • 小慧_o91


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @小慧_o91: 加微信吧,到时候下次直播我就叫你:JoshShuhua

  • Helen_mhi

    like it.

  • konoharans

    We are not surprised about grown plants on moon, maybe because our Chinese always can grown plants on lots of strange place…

  • Nancy_dp

    Thanks for you telling us.

  • Nancy_dp

    I didn’t hear that.

  • 张嘉铭七中

  • 1773543ohyq


  • 謫仙_vb


  • Hugh8

    longtime no see

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @Hugh8: Indeed!