Be kind to others. Even the happiest of people on the outside fight battles on the inside you know nothing about. Your kindness could make all the difference in someones life. Always choose kindness over being right.
No one likes a person who has to be right all the time. It is not important to be right, even when you know you are. It is important to be kind.
I want you to know it will never be important what others say about you. It will only be important if you let it enter your heart. YOU ALWAYS have the power, the choice of what you do and do not let affect you.
No one will ever care what you do, no one will care about your material possessions, the car you drive or your bank balance. They will care about how you made them feel. They will care if you heard their voice, if they mattered to you.
What is lacking in this world is people with a kind heart who USE their kind heart. I know you have a big heart. USE IT. I know you have compassion. USE IT. I know you are kind. Be kind.