1. Where are you flying from? 你从哪里来?
2. What’s the purpose of your visit? 你此行的目的是什么?
3. How long are you going to stay? 你预计待多长时间?
4. Can I see your hotel reservation? 可以出示一下你的酒店预订吗?
5. Can you take your glasses off for a photo please? 能摘掉眼镜拍个照吗?
6. Put the four fingers of your right hand on the scanner. Now, put your right thumb on the scanner. 请把右手的四个指头放到扫描器上。现在,请把右手的大拇指放到扫描器上。
7. Can I see your visa and documentation? 请出示你的签证和证件可以吗?
8. Do you have anything to declare? 你有什么需要报关的吗?
9. Failure to declare any merchandise might result in fines, penalties and seizure of those items.如果没有申报商品,可能会导致罚款,牢狱之灾或者是商品被罚没。
10. Please be aware that custom officers decide how long you stay in the country you are visiting. 请注意/不要忘记:海关官员决定你可以在目的地国家逗留多久!